

  • Our Tiny Moments

    Nothing felt so complete, until they found each other again. Now, they have these tiny glimpses of happiness, compared with the pain it feels just. (Companion Collection to the Mini Fic: Mine & Yours) Sherlolly

  • In Faith & Fear

    With the death of Fiona Larkin, Chibs is reunited with his daughter. Along with it comes two pieces of his past. One of which gains the intrigue of the Tacoma Killer. ChibsxOC HappyxOC - rated M for extreme violence and mild themes

  • Mercy

    "I should slap you again for putting your friends through this again." - For putting me through this, is what he hears ultimately in his blurry state as he slips his gaze over to her. She looks torn but he knows it's within good reason. He's at her mercy again, and he can only hope she doesn't decide to let him rot when he finds her more comforting than the morphine.

  • State of Mind

    It doesn't surprise him to see her here, but the state of her mind does. It was time they had a proper discussion about what was supposed to happen next and perhaps how to deal with it; together.

  • Together We Fall

    It's in death that he finds some peace with his thoughts on the one who is always there to save him. Even if she isn't there, she's always there. Spoilers for His Last Vow

  • Into The Night (I'll Be With You)

    Sherlock is leaving them all behind, all their happiness and all the joy it is unbearable for him. He expects to just do that, it's what he's good at. He should have known that she would be watching and she would want to be near him to be sure. He's not okay. Of course, she knows. Spoilers for The Sign of Three

  • His Name is Bucky

    Within the first ten minutes of their introduction she throws a knife at him. He catches it, but it's enough to give him pause. He's looking for answers and she has few worth mentioning but everything else seems to confuse him. Not only about himself but why she isn't afraid. She told him, he wasn't the first killer to ever be close to her. He blinks, needing to know more. TWS - CW

  • 7 Years in Subtlety

    It started off as an afterthought but gradually grew bigger. That's the simplest way he can explain it. Sherlolly

  • Carry Me Out

    ArrowLock When the city is burning Felicity finds a friend again in Molly Hooper, and discovers another reason why maybe the long haul will be worth it. (Contains Sherlolly & Olicity) Post 2x23 "Unthinkable"

  • Protecting Our Own

    They're different; Molly and Mary. They care about two different men in completely different ways but the one thing that they can agree on is the fact that they have to protect the ones they love at all cost. Which is why Molly felt like she had to dig herself into a hole, and Mary had to discuss her life with a woman she knew at arm lengths.

  • The Worst of Me

    Oliver is used to being that shadow of the person he wants to be for his friends and family but she's always been the crux that saw him even when he was trying to hide away from everyone. When she opens up to him, he understands how broken she really is beyond her awkward monologues when she's trying to be there. He just didn't realize it until he thought he lost her.

  • There's Enough Room For Two

    Molly goes to check on Sherlock in her room, just to make sure he's fine and doesn't need anything and he asks her to join him instead. (Bolt-hole inspired fic, as mentioned in S3)