
  • Cessation

    Malcolm wasn't dead and Jeremy was the only one left ignorant of the fact. Here he decides what to do with the information.

  • Glimpses

    Based on an old OC character, Max Logan, these are glimpses into his life.

  • Eredity

    What if Reese left more behind in Australia then he thought? Daniella has a secret she has been keeping closely guarded for years. Now the secret is in danger and she must do everything she can to protect it. Can Reese get over his past and her involvement to do what needs to be done? Or will it be too much forcing him to do what he has dreamed of since he left?

  • Closure

    Noah has been walking around in a stupor for the past year. Layn is dead and his blood will always be on Noah's hands. Epilogue to Fallacious. Requested story.