

  • Chasing Ghosts

    Touka sees smiles in empty coffee pots, and feels the grieving madness settle in. Post-Ch. 143 of Tokyo Ghoul; a KanekixTouka oneshot.

  • rivaux

    "Idiot," Jean says under his breath. "You were never the one who needed luck." {valedictorian and salutatorian at each other's throats AU drabble}

  • can I take one with you?

    The girl's amber eyes flickered with surprise as soon as the words left his lips, and Eren inhaled nervously, starting to regret even coming over here. {"I saw you taking selfies and I was wondering if i could take one with you" AU drabble}

  • the want

    I think I love you, he tells me. {a smuttish drabble insert thing}

  • alive

    he is staring at me like I am a goddess of ancient myth, like I am an angel sent to bless him; but I am not any of those things.