Shadow Fox 2013

  • Just an Illusion

    Sherlock does visit John before the dinner, just... John didn't know it at the time. Depressed and suffering from hallucinations of his dead best friend, John doesn't exactly realize it when Sherlock comes to visit. But Sherlock remembers that moment every single time he looks at John: remembers the heartbroken look, the anti-depressants, the gun, the question, and the promise.

  • Dragons in the Wind

    Updated version of Silver Meets Blue and Red (Request for Black Dragon Valkyrie) Yami is an ordinary ice koorime, but when she is banished from the island, taken in by a black flames dragon, given his powers, and meets Yusuke, she's a bit out of the norm. Add the fact that she has long lost siblings, and she's falling for a guy? Yeah, it will be an interesting ride. JinxOC

  • Little Boy Blue

    Little boy blue, he's had a terrible past hasn't he?

  • Beyond's Thoughts

    Have you ever wondered what he thought? About L? His life? His Death? (This will have multiple chapters and random updates ((No OC))

  • Before the Bad is Always the Good

    Inspired by a picture I saw on Pintrest. Mello, Matt, and Near are the outcasts of Whammy's, so they spend their days alone with each other. If only these moments would last...

  • Don't Give Kagome Life Alert

    WARNING! KAGOME BASHING! Me and my friend Wolfie were watching TV and saw the Life Alert commercial, and thus this was born! XD Anywhos, enjoy!