
  • Surprises

    "Kenshin somehow got the impression they weren't talking about streets any more, but he had absolutely no clue what the two young women were laughing at. It sounded almost as if... but no, it couldn't be. Not his sweet little Kaoru-dono?" Repost.

  • The Aftermath

    "My eyes stung painfully, both from the tears I shed, and the horrific sight that lay before them." Repost. Short little one-shot, set in the blind spot of the manga directly after Enishi's "true" Jinchu is discovered in the Dojo. Canon character death... sorta.

  • With Eyes Wide Open

    "The night had been plagued by nightmares, and as Kenshin emerged from his room, quietly sliding the Shoji shut behind himself, he was glad it was over. Padding silently down the hall, he paused briefly at Kaoru's room, listening for only a moment to hear her peaceful, slumbering breaths, before heading towards the kitchen." Repost.

  • Traditions

    "Sometimes she thought he did care for her in the way that she hoped. She sometimes thought she saw it in a brief look or a tone of voice, a gentle but fleeting touch, but it was gone before she had time to really analyse it." Post-Jinchu, manga-verse, canon setting, Ken/Kao. Rated M for some smuttiness.

  • Reticence

    "Looking out from the railing, Kaoru was glad to see Tokyo bay getting closer. She knew that once they all got home, everything would be okay. They would rest, eat and eventually everything would go back to normal again." Series of character study drabbles. Canon, post-jinchu, original manga, eventual KK.

  • New Growth

    Reposted! One-shot headcanon to explain Kenshin's drastic hair cut at the end of the Manga, because it made me sad. This idea was my consolation! Ken/Kao