
  • Spandex is Casual

    Rangers have lives, right? A story where YOU can come up with ideas.

  • Cities of Foundation

    The Megaforce team meets some "legendary" people as their ensuing battles continue.

  • The Quadrangle

    "So you met at MIT, started a Power Rangers team, and then made out with each other?" Kim and Kat are out with Tommy's new fiance Hayley Ziktor, and awkward is an understatement.

  • Ernie's Expansion

    "Hey, Ernie..." Jake said quietly. "Who's the dude in the monkey suit?" Upon hearing this, Emma and Noah both turned to where Jake was pointing and looked at Ernie with curious smiles. "He is a critic." Ernie said just as quietly, but with a friendly smile. "He's here to survey the store. From the licensing company." Ernie tells blue, pink, and black of his plans to expand.

  • Inquiry

    "It was a colorful setting. The three unspoken superheroes with the bride and groom on one side. The blue parents and sister sitting with the groom's parents on the other. And the Goodall leaders heading the table. It crafted a mosaic of everything Troy wasn't." Troy is insisted upon eating dinner with the Goodall family. One-shot.

  • Just Some Feelings

    The Megaforce Rangers have angry feelings. A pure angst-ful one-shot.

  • Dino Charge: Out Of Thin Air

    "I think everything that's happened since I wore the spandex has been coming of thin air. And then slapping me in the face." The Dino Charge team stop at a local restaurant in the middle of a mission. Koda gains a bit of his memory that's been lost, soda gets spilled, and the rangers get a breakthrough.

  • Power Rangers Dino Charge

    "Oh, we're doing a project together. A really big one on dinosaurs. It's much too awesome for people like you to know about. The only people great enough to know about it would be the Power Rangers!" Jason Lee Scott came to North Point to fix a big mistake. Now, he's managing a new Power Rangers team and helping to save the world...again. (My own personal take on Dino Charge.)

  • Equally as Affecting and Redundant

    "If we're going to name our zords one syllable less than their actual dinosaurs, then there is no point of this conversation!" The Dino Charge Rangers are coming up with nicknames for their zords after unanimously deciding that the dinosaur names are too long. One-shot.

  • What's A Morphing Call?

    ...Tyler let out a little gasp of realization. He shouted, "Wait!" Shelby turned around to him. "What? What's wrong?" Tyler looked at her with a serious expression, and said, "We need a morphing call." The pink ranger scoffed, telling him, "Oh and I suppose we allow him to pass through us with grace..."-Disregarding current morphing call of Dino Charge just for a moment.

  • Parental Guidance

    Riley leaned back into his seat and looked out the window. "You two guys...must've had the best parents." Tyler smiled a bit. "What's your story, then?"-In the midst of a team-bonding experience, the Dino Charge Rangers end up confessing how great and not great their parents are...or were. One shot.

  • Let Me Come Home

    ONE- SHOT: Short introduction scene to upcoming story, Yet to Stand Unbroken. It's the Megaforce team's first day of their senior year. They all experience their mornings in different ways, some happier than others.

  • House of Anubis: The Next Generation

    What will the Anubis alumni do when the mysteries of their dear school target their kids? Let the new generation of Anubis House unwind themselves in their new home, because they have no idea what they've been signed up for. They're going to be uncovering more than just little artifacts and big mysteries. The House of Anubis was never an ordinary house anyway.