The champions are back in Dissidia, and though they are brought against their will, their reencounter makes their bonds grow stronger. Once again they have a battle to fight and win together, and they will sure do it as the brothers (and sisters) in arms they all have become
Dissidia AU: Noctis s army is losing war against their closest neighbors, and Lightning runs many miles to deliver vital information for his enterprise but finds herself intercepted in the middle of Nifelheim, a small little village with a few friendly neighbors who will help her in her mission. Though it would seem she ll find more than friendly neighbors in this little settlement
Atena ordena a una comitiva explorar Arendelle, ya que Hades tiene sus ojos puestos en el lugar. ¿Qué busca? ¿Qué harán los Santos Dorados de Acuario y Escorpión cuando se encuentren con el Quinto Elemento?
When Lightning finds her alter ego, the worst mistake she can make is let her guard down. She did it, and had to bear with the consequences. In her last moments, her numbed mind thinks of a specific someone to save her, but not without a prize.
Ser reina es una de las cosas más difíciles que Elsa ha hecho en su vida, y sus poderes e inseguridades lo hacen peor. Ella sabe que es el amor verdadero el que salvará su vida, pero sólo una persona le puede hacer entender la última verdad: ha llegado el momento de recuperar su fortaleza interior y su autoestima.
Un hermoso mundo, un hermoso sol y una hermosa sonrisa. ¿Pero qué puede significar un día perfecto si ella no lo comparte con alguien que ama? One Shot (aunque todavía no estoy segura).