
  • Beyond the Veil

    Syn was used to people getting stabbed. It was a daily occurrence in her line of work. Having a Mandalorian collapse on her doorstep with a dagger stuck in his chest was something new though

  • Crystallize

    All her life Kari managed to avoid SHIELD, until one night at a bar turns her life upside down. Thrown into a world she never wanted to be part of, she soon finds out SHIELD is a lot different than she ever imagined. Life could get a little crazy when your workmates are Black Widow and Hawkeye. Minor canon divergence. Spanning the entire Marvel Universe through to Endgame.

  • The Stewards Messenger

    As personal messenger to Lord Denethor, Devera travels through the wild and to Rivendell with Boromir. NOT a 10th Walker story!