
  • Destined To Collide

    Maguro, a new student straight up chucked into the 2nd year batch by Gojo quietly. Toge met her by accident and found out she could hear his thoughts, as if he's talking like a normal person. From then on, she gained Toge's undivided attention. And afterwards, she gained the enemy's undivided attention. Togexoc Inumakixoc

  • Call My Name

    Freya Walker - A Washer, Horse Groomer, Part Time Medic and safe from the front lines, far away from the Titans attack. The girls at the Washings got too much at bullying. The incident with the good looking guy, some tea-making and well, well - she got promoted the next day. As Corporal Levi's Secretary. LevixOC LeviOC

  • Sorcière Starlight (Starlight Witch)

    Gaia Starlight is the best Potion student alongside with Hermione, and best buddies with Harry and his friends. She is kind, brave, sly, cunning, and smart. And what's more, she is of the house of Slytherin, and secretly the sister of the most powerful men of all times, the Prime Minister of the Wizarding World... and Draco thinks he is in love with her... Dracoxoc

  • In The Light

    Kanda Yuu's in for a bargain this time, as he found an Innocence and an Accomodator while he is on a mission. That particular Accomodator is named as Laia Elfreya; extremely innocent and mysterious, with the power to see the souls in akumas. She is a beautiful one, and Kanda couldn't help but be jealous when Daisya treats her so nice in front of him. KandaxOC

  • I Love You, Godric

    Godric met a gorgeous girl with impossibly beautiful blonde hair that has all the shades of blonde and amazing eyes. He saves her and reveals himself as a vampire, and to his surprise, she did not balk. In fact, she finds his scent wonderful and vows to make him her personal perfume! Could it possibly be love at first sight for Godric and the girl? GodricxOC

  • Into Eternity

    New version of Into Eternity, albeit more detailed and less rushed. I promise it would be a better read than Into Eternity. Summary: Lara went touring right after Edward and co left Volturi in New Moon. Being the calmest one in the midst of a massacre, Lara is chosen by Caius to be his meal. And hereon, he became the only King to ever sire a vampire. CAIUSXOC CAIUSOC

  • Starlight

    Loki is banished to Earth by the Allfather after he wreaks havoc on Earth. Set in Thor, but it does not have to do with the movies of Thor 2 and Avengers and Avengers 2. He roams the street in rags for months, and he stumbles into Starlight, Phaedra Sterling. Loki admires her again and again for her beauty and her charming qualities, and starts to fall for her. LokiXOC.

  • My Immortal

    Christian wanders the royal dorm's grounds and stumbles into a new transfer student with... An army of bodyguards. Things got a lot more interesting with the arrival of Gaia as well as finding out that she is the Queen's grandaughter! Christianxoc

  • Kekkai Onmyouji

    Saya is an Onmyouji, and is also a Kekkai user, the one and only person powerful enough to generate a Kekkai to beat Matobe Seiji. Now, Seiji meets Saya on the way to his meeting, and finds her utterly fascinating. He meets her again, and there, she unleashes her Kekkai powers and helped him to vanquish his enemy, the one that is after his eye. MatobaxOC

  • As The World Falls

    14 years ago, Kenshin is introduced to a very important person - The last Feudal Princess of Nihon. She consoles him, points him to what he should do when he is in doubt about the assassinations, and comfort him with her warm hands. Kenshin met her again 10 years after Bakumatsu Era ends. She grew up, and becomes a beautiful woman. Which left him wanting her. KenshinxOC

  • Earth Guardian

    Jack met Gaia, a human girl with amazing abilities to bend nature to her will. He brought her to North to see, and he confirms that she is human. But that is a big mistake, and he paid it terribly with her life, for Pitch has come to take her away from him, who had fallen irrevocably in love with her in just... one day? Jackxoc

  • Sarang Hae Yo

    Kim Young Ju meets Soo Young Heon, the genius and beautiful crazy new prosecutor. Lee Jin Pyo meets Shin Hyun Hwa, the beautiful and crazy doctor that saves his life, while Lee Yun Seong meets Kim Nana, the violent bodyguard of the Prime Minister's daughter. Together, they create history, and saves the city from corruption, and be together for possibly forever. Kdrama City Hunter.

  • The Witch of Ipswich

    Phaedra is someone mysterious, and is powerful. More powerful than all the Ipswich boys combined. Caleb meets her on first day school and fell head over heels in love with her. As the event progresses, he marvels at the strange glow surrounding her, and that she shines just like what the legend had said the White Witch Star would shine... could she be her? Calebxoc

  • Loving The Snow Haired King

    Lara loves snow, and it just so happens that the snow fell when she is just made Queen. Happily, she dragged Caius out of the snow and there, Caius kisses her, and pledges to her that he loves her. This is the chapter where they made love for the very first time... A continuation for La Tua Cantante, and Into Eternity.

  • Gyakusatsu Koujo

    She is the Head of the Miyagusuku clan, second only to the Kuchiki clan. Her family forges Zanpaktou and grows medicine for Shinigami that is only available in the grounds of the Miyagusuku. She is also Byakuya's original bride before Hisana. However, she went missing 50 years ago, and turns up 50 years later without an ounce of her memories. She is Gyakusatsu Koujo. Byakuyaxoc.

  • The Promise of A Soul

    As Ulquiorra lies there dying in Orihime's embrace, he swears on his soul that he will return to her in his next life.

  • Little Night

    Itachi and Kisame is given another mission, and that is to protect a certain lady and her family because the Akatsuki do not want her superb Apothecarian skills and another shinobi nation to get her on their side. As they live there, they met Saya's twin adorable brothers, Yoite and Miharu. And as time moves on, Saya grows up beautifully and charms Itachi into loving her.

  • Love Found

    Elijah saves a lady named Isla Temperance from two rapists who aims to rob, rape and murder her after they are done with her. In a strange twist of event, Elijah ended up forcing Isla into making love with him, in another word, he rapes her lovingly, and she likes it enough to say no and yes repeatedly. Elijahxoc!