
  • Cries of a Lonely Raven

    After Neville Longbottom's defeat of Voldemort in the graveyard, Hogwarts' staff becomes far more active in their efforts to help their students. One student has slipped through the cracks for four whole years. Featuring a Ravenclaw Harry with a Hufflepuff work ethic, a rule-loving Hermione, and a clueless Hogwarts population, Harry's life might finally take a turn for the better.

  • Can You Teach Me How To Live?

    Karkat Vantas has been brutally abused by his dad for his entire life, and has fallen into a deep depression. At his new high school, he meets Kanaya Maryam who tries to teach him that life has more to offer than the horrors he's experienced. T for language, excessive amounts of abuse, injury, and blood, as well as Karkat's wonderful vocabulary. KanKar in later chapters.

  • The Boy Who (Barely) Lived

    Harry is a very, very abused young wizard. He has erratic and temperamental magic, a scarlet house that is green with envy, no friends, and teachers that expect far more from him than he is capable of. This is not a Snape adopts Harry story (overused!), very jealous Ron and Hermione, no evil characters (except Snape).

  • At Any Cost

    Azkaban is a terrible place. For some, it is worse than others. For one man, known only by the pseudonym You-Know-Who, it is all that exists in the world. When new evidence comes to light, the most feared and hated man since Tom Riddle gets new shot at life. Attempt to show just how horrible Azkaban might be, as well as write a proper Azkaban story. Might be dark or depressing.