

  • The Five Stages of Loss and Grief

    There is nothing left for Levi to do but to get over her.

  • Green Tea

    Peace and quiet: the concept seems foreign to Ruri Miyamoto, now that her friends consist of, well, Raku's crazy harem and his perverted best friend. But that's okay. To her, it's perfect.

  • Fireworks

    When Nice Holystone is kissed for the first time, all she can see are fireworks. AU Nice x Jacuzzi fluff.

  • Even As The Seasons Change

    [Four-shot] Even as the season's change, we will always be together. Part 1: Seto was seventeen when he realized he loved her.

  • Chains

    Freedom for Erza Knightwalker means always moving and never sitting still. But there is something captivating about Prince Jellal that makes the redhead, for the first time in her young life, want to… stay. AU Edo-Jerza. [ON HIATUS BC LIFE]