

  • The need to give a gift

    A child, a gift and a prince.

  • Speaking through his eyes

    This is just a short three-piece story, a tribute to Hephaestion through Alexander's eyes.

  • Five senses

    Five short ficlets about their five senses and an extra bonus. Complete.

  • Falling out of love?

    A silly standalone

  • Fifty shades of moods

    A collection of fifty drabbles or ficlets describing different emotions between our two famous lovers. COMPLETE.

  • Ficlets to celebrate Friendship and Love

    Some ficlets based on the many AU universes I have created along these years ...

  • Deadly jealousy

    A third party led to a final situation.

  • Reconnection

    This is the third and last instalment of the Phainder series. It started with "Nine Full Moons" and was followed by "A miracle called Phainder". This series is about the reconnection among all the characters.

  • Elements of Nature

    Four elements and their relationship with one blue-eyed General.

  • A Miracle called Phainder

    This is the story of Phainder, Hephaestion and Alexander's son, during his first five years of life. This is the sequel to "Nine Full Moons".

  • Through the rain

    It is time for Alexander to comfort Hephaestion. This is a companion piece of "Smoke in the sky" but they can stand alone.

  • A poem tribute to Alexander

    Just a simple poem

  • A chat among immortals

    This is my tribute to Alexander in 2014. The king is dying and a bunch of immortals came to visit and have a chat with him.

  • Eyes

    Because sometimes eyes can speak too ...

  • True love for Cassander

    This is a bonus chapter for drabble #6 in my Chained drabbles series.

  • Chained drabbles

    Seventeen drabbles telling about the beginning of Alexander and Hephaestion's relationship and much more.

  • Ten kisses

    February is considered the month of Love and Friendship. These are ten different kisses between our two favourite lovers. COMPLETE

  • TW: Ten Kisses

    February is considered to be the month of Friendship and Love. These are ten kisses between our favourite lovers.