Takeshi Yamato

  • Pokegirl Scarlet

    What would happen if the world never had a chance to react negatively to Sukube's introduction to the Pokegirl due to 'outside' interference? This is the Pokegirl world after the Seekers invade. Pokegirl AU/Minor Scarlet Blade Fusion

  • Star Trek Frontier Side Stories

    Companion Fic to 'Star Trek Frontier' over on 117Jorn's profile. Here are all the tales of the characters you might have heard of, but not had explained. Written in conjunction with 117Jorn, Ron the True Fan, and Titanic X. Currently rated T, may change to M depending on content.

  • A Wizard in Iwatodai

    Persona Users are not the only people who can fight Shadows. A young woman comes to Iwatodai for entirely separate reasons, and ends up joining SEES as they seek to put an end to the Dark Hour. Once again, with Rings in hand, the Wizard shall be a light of hope for the world… Now Rated M.