Cray Queen of Angst

  • A Look Into Their thoughts

    A collection of Speed Drabbles on various Characters on a multitude of Themes. Up first: Gilderoy Lockhart

  • Surprises in Detention

    Harry's breath hitched when he felt cool lips brush up against the side of his neck, and gasped when a warm tongue found his pulse and then raked teeth against it. ONE-SHOT Warning!: Hints at Drarry Slash!

  • Daddy's Little Girl

    "Father's will go through anything to make sure their daughters are always that. Their daughters, and no matter what logic you throw their way, to them we will always be Daddy's little girl." ONE-SHOT based strongly around Frankie J's Daddy's Little Girl, could be a song fic because of it. Rated T for safety

  • Broken Promises (The Life I Lost)

    The day of the Final Battle at Hogwarts Fred met with his loved one, promises were made. Promises that could never be kept. When Fred Died, half of her soul died with her. But from Death, comes Life. SMUT lots of it. Fred W./OC

  • Note of Realisation

    Tom and Harry share a bond no one ever knew about. As they grew, circumstances kept bringing them together. Neither really understood how or why, and neither of them ever questioned it. Until a series of hideously colored post-it notes made everything make sense.

  • Pancitas y Secretos

    Fleur sabe que es hora de contarle a Bill las buenas noticias, pero le preocupa que no acepte el anuncio. Escrito para la Competencia de Sherlock Parte 2 número 2, el prompt de All Canon Boot Camp # 12 y el Jigsaw Puzzle Challenge. Originalmente "Baby-Bump Secrets" de Lezonne

  • El La Perdio

    Draco nunca pensó que la vería suicidarse. Escrito para el concurso de Pick a List # 10: Imperio. Temas delicados y suicidio. Un poco más de 100 palabras de drabble. Originalmente "He Lost Her" de Lezonne

  • Against All Odds

    In the Old Days, Seven Wizarding Families were warned about a prophecy child who would destroy everything they had ever known. The child would be born between a muggle born and a pure blood. And someone already knows who will parent said child and he intends to stop it, against all odds. UNDER RECONSTRUCTION, MIGHT BE A BIT CONFUSING AT SOME POINT OR ANOTHER!

  • A Good Listener

    He was a cruel person, a monster, a coward, , he knew this. Yet somehow, she could make him feel human, like perhaps he was redeemable, like he was worth the time, the thought. My gift to blanketed-in-stars for the hp Rare-Pair Secret Santa on tumblr. Surprise Pairing inside.

  • I'm Not To Blame This Time

    Written for Round 2 o the Demigod's Wizard Duel at the Hunger Games Competition. For once in his life, Ron was not to blame for forgetting his wife's birthday dinner. He blamed his sister and all the drama that came with knowing The-Boy-Who-Lived.

  • Hermione's Homework Accident

    Written for 'A Demigod Wizard Duel at the Hunger Games Competition' Challenge. Demigod Battle round. Hermione has a difficult Alchemy assignment, one she won't accept help from anyone from. Things go wrong, but there's someone by her side, someone who doesn't care if she messed up on an assignment.

  • Every Other Weekend

    Casey and Derek cope with their lives after their divorce. Meeting up every two weeks to gather the love their made, telling themselves they made the right choice. Based around Reba's Every Other Weekend. T for Safety.

  • More Fish Out At Sea

    Seq. to Other Fish in the Ocean, can be read as a stand alone. More drama awaits our new mermaids. The gang has formed their own Pod, Cleo and Lewis moved in together, Rikki and Zane are fighting again, Lyla has a big secret, and Evie is back again! (My summaries are awful don't know why I try!) Again, T for safety. DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Mako Mermaids, or H2O: Just Add Water