Consulting Shippers

  • All That Glitters (Is Gold)

    Gold is alive and both Furihata Kyo and Kasamatsu Youji nearly have a mental break down over this. Akashi Masaomi sees this as an absolute win. Or: the most self-indulgent fanfic I have ever written, inspired by umisabaku's Designation: Miracle series.

  • Curiosity

    Harry's curiosity wins out and he reads a letter addressed to Draco from Sirius.

  • Mistletoe

    Draco gets stuck under a mistletoe and the only way to be release from one is to be kiss. On the lips. And who better person to do it than Harry Potter of course.

  • Do we have a deal?

    Sam is prepared to do anything to bring back Dean. Even making a deal with the King of Hell. Crowley becomes highly interested in the proceedings.

  • Winston the Unicorn

    Gabriel rod into the motel room on a... unicorn. This sounds weird but don't worry, it makes sense. Or well, it does to Gabriel, not so much to Sam.

  • Just met you

    Pansy is tired of Draco's whining about getting dumped, and takes matters into her own hands. One-shot coffee shop AU.

  • Home Before I Go

    Harry visits Draco before he leaves.

  • Condoms AKA Dick Gloves

    Draco ripped the silver packaging and pulled out a slightly yellowish rubber disk. This did not help clear things up at all. "Okay, now what the fuck is it?". "That's a condom," Harry said patiently. OR: I just really wanted to write about Draco's reactions to a condom. That is literally what this fic it about. PWP (ish)

  • Blame The Red Cheeks On The Cold Weather

    Draco blushes a lot, Harry is adorable, and Pansy is a scheming little shit that wants devoted followers. Nothing really new here.

  • Nobody believes them

    Harry and Draco come out to all their friends that they're dating. No one believes them. Well, except for Luna.

  • Coming out to the whole school

    Harry and Draco come out to the whole school that they are together and one person doesn't react how they expected…

  • A Love Potion

    The Slytherin House, more specifically Pansy and Blaise, have been unamused by Draco's behaviour lately. It has been decided that the perfect punishment would be to give Draco a love potion that would make him act like a love sick puppy around Potter. Nothing happens and the Slytherins can't figure out why.

  • A Good Cup of Coffee

    Gabriel has come to the idea that if you suck at making coffee, you will forever be alone. Castiel thinks his brother is being an idiot. Sam has no clue what's going on.

  • My Bloody Valentine

    I am in love with the boy hero, Harry Potter. There's only one problem that is stopping me from taking what is rightfully mine, and that is Ginevra Weasley-Potter. But I have come up with a brilliant plan to get rid of her.

  • Operation: Drarry

    Pansy believes that Draco and Harry are destined to be together and made it her mission to make it happen, coming up with schemes for the sake of 'Operation: Drarry'. Her recent idea had Draco turned into a fluffy white kitten. It was not her intention for that to happen. But everything works out in the end. (Rated T because I'm paranoid).

  • One in Forty Thousand

    I rolled my eyes at him. "Where's your sense of adventure?" He narrowed his emerald green eyes back at me before sighing. "Fine, but if it doesn't work, don't come complaining to me."

  • Haunted House

    After much begging, Harry finally gets Draco to do a Haunted House. One-shot!

  • A Cute Homeless Blond

    All Harry ever wanted was to get a triple caramel swirl, but no, instead he gets that PLUS a handsome blond. Non-magic, AU, One-shot.

  • A Walk Through My Memories

    It's been a year since Draco and Harry been together and Draco remembers the day well...