Takako Tokushima

  • Don Corneo: How it Should Have Ended

    A short comedic take on how the chapter involving Don Corneo in FFVII Remake could and should have ended. Mostly a crackfic.

  • My Prince of Light

    AU: Mattiah, a 16 year old junior, is accepted into MSAGY, a prestigious school for the talented. She's a bit of a lone wolf but agrees to attend anyway. Soon, she runs into a transfer student from Japan named Marth. He and Mattiah forge a growing friendship, and Mattiah realizes what it means to look on the bright side of life. WARNING: Not Fire Emblemish, OOC Shiida

  • Conveniently-Placed Mistletoe

    Sonia, Souda, and Gundam go Christmas shopping. A short and only slightly contrived One-shot.