• AM-PM

    "Congratulations, Ms. Underwood. By this time tomorrow, you will be the first woman president of the United States of America." Written for ChristyCorr, who requested an AU where Claire is in Frank's place for Yuletide 2014. The reason for Walker's resignation is also AU in this fic.

  • Old Friends, Rituals, and Reassurances

    An old friend helps Carrie put a few things into perspective. Spoilers for season 3, including the season finale. Written for the Trope Bingo community on LiveJournal. Trope: holidayfic

  • Anguilliform

    A treasure hunt leads to an important find. And a new friend. Written for Reversathon 2012. For Gilda Groendyke, who wanted to see a snapshot of Voldemort's activities after leaving Hogwarts/during his rise to power. Thanks so much to Amanuensis for doing beta duty and for the title, and to the mods, Fluffyllama and Trobadora, for all of their hard work.

  • Family Man

    It's Narcissa's birthday, and Lucius has a wonderful surprise planned for her. Warning for infidelity.

  • Theatrical Muse Ficlets: Lucius Malfoy

    A set of ficlets was written for the Theatrical Muse community on LiveJournal, where I play Lucius Malfoy. Each week, the moderators throw out a question and we are expected to write a response from our character's POV.

  • Lurker in the Gaps

    Harry ignores some good advice. Written for the Snarry Olympics challenge on LiveJournal, for Team Angst. Gen. Thanks to my wonderful betas.

  • Any Means Necessary

    Dumbledore will do whatever is necessary to ensure Voldemort's defeat. Author's notes: Written for the Springtime Gen fest on LiveJournal. Some dialogue taken directly from the Harry Potter novels.

  • And Let You Go

    The Burrow is empty, even when it's full.

  • Dictionary Drabbles

    A series of drabbles written for the Beloved Enemies mailing list Dictionary Drabbles challenge. All HP/LM SLASH. Each one is based on a different theme word, which is defined at the beginning of the drabble.

  • What the House Elf Saw

    Winky gets the wrong idea when she sees Harry with Snape. Dobby has to set her straight.

  • The Graduate

    Hermione discovers she has a power that allows her to know and experience the events of Snape's past. Angsty stuff awaits both of them as she learns about his life. DISCONTINUED Ignore AN at the bottom of chapter 13.

  • Mother's Milk

    The Fidelius Charm has been performed, and the Potters think they are safe. James reflects on the promise of the future.

  • Happy Birthday, Hermione

    A ficlet written in honor of Hermione's birthday. Ron and Harry plan a birthday surprise. ***By popular demand, Chapter 2 now added!*** NOTE: Reviews contain spoilers!