A kidnapped child, a mysterious prince - who is the man who is only known as "Prince of Nightmares". He comes back to Britain to search for his Mate and he can hold a grudge for a very long time. To discover the secrets of this mysterious prince, you have to find his hidden origin. Be afraid Dumbledore, be very afraid, even Dementors flees when he starts smiling. "I do not own HP"
Dark outlook on a future story about a dark prince, who will be ruthless act against friends and foes. His true parentage and identity is a well kept secret. He comes back to Wizarding Britain, because his mate lives there. And you'll should never be on his bad side, if you value your life.
AU - In the moment as Albus Dumbledore will gifted illegally Gryffindors the Housecup after awarding the Golden Trio and Neville 160 Points to win against Slytherin, the feast was interrupted by a mysterious couple. 2 Enforcer stand in the Great Hall to take Dumbledore with them to face justice and bring Harry Potter to a safe house. "I do not own HP"
After another disastrous accident in 3rd years Potions Gryffindor/Slytherin Severus Snape had enough. When they want to behave like toddler, then he would treat them accordingly. Instead of brewing after the curriculum he would keep them in line with potions sets for toddlers. Hermione's whiney complaints falls on deafs ears, as the Potions Master decided how to teach his classes.