
  • Nation at War

    Andrew Nation led the Minutemen out of a slump and into a golden age, but after the General title going to someone who didn't deserve it, his ambition took over and he bust open the can of worms known as Vault 111. This is the story of how the 15 settlers who were let into the world by Andrew changed the Commonwealth forever.

  • The Dark Within

    Ben Maddox, a Knight of the Jedi Order during the reign of the Galactic Republic, discovers secrets that spell the downfall of the Jedi, and is forced with a decision: Evolve or Die.

  • Legacies

    Harry's world is turned more upside-down than imaginable the night Voldemort returns. He begins a journey into a more powerful realm of magic to help is newly crowned "Boy-Who-Lived" friend, Neville Longbottom, defeat Voldemort. Story will include pairings, as well as some light death eaters and dark light users. Wrong BWL

  • The Tragedy of Jack Hunter: A Hunger Games SYOT

    Jack Hunter, Head Gamemaker of the 90th Hunger Games has made it his mission to make the tributes, and Games, as interesting as possible. He and his crew tackle the challenge and hope to create the most gruesome Games yet. - Tribute page is in the second chapter, feel free to send some in!

  • Gemini

    The dark. It twists and turns to be morphed into what you want it to be, but be careful. It's addicting. MAJOR AU, lots of new characters. Wiz war 1 never happened, Voldemort has all his followers in secret. Read to find more!

  • Gemini

    Newest story of mine. Follows the Twins, Cole and Chloe Stallings throughout Hogwarts (and farther if you guys want). Rated T for now but may change. Massive AU warning!