
  • Nursing a Broken Wing

    He found her, broken and bruised on the streets of Gotham. Instead of simply sending her to the hospital, he took her under his wing... Robin/Oc.

  • Addiction

    He was the best friend's older brother. She was the younger sister's best friend. He was the addict. She was the goody-two shoes. She never seemed to be able to understand him, but she was about to learn that maybe addictions aren't always the death of you. Nick Clark/Oc

  • Let Go

    Evelyn Hale has been on the run ever since her abilities came into the light. She's been labelled a bio-terrorist, a monster, and a freak. The world is looking for her, and she has always been hiding until the day her best friend Elijah gets taken for his association with her. With her world now turned upside down, she has to stop hiding and face the world head on. Delsin x oc.

  • Forever Wandering

    "And then she was being yanked back by her black hair, the growling of an eater whispering in her ear, beckoning her to a feast - a feast of her own flesh. Riley let out a strangled cry as she struggled to escape the grip of the eater. The other eaters were moving in on her when they realized she was trapped." Eventual Carl/Oc.

  • Magic Is Real

    Sarah Danger has read every Harry Potter book, seen every movie, and has every Harry Potter object you could ever imagine. She knows that is isn't real, but what happens when an owl just happens to fly into her window with a letter on a dark night?

  • You Never Told Me I Couldn't Try Anything

    James convinces Lily to ride a broomstick. Lily is still uncertain. oneshot. Jily.

  • All I Want For Christmas Is You

    Part 1: All Lily wants for Christmas is a certain Malfoy. Will she get what she wants? One-shot. Part 2: Scorpius wants to propose to Lily, but is scared she'll say no. Will he be able to get what he wants for Christmas? One-shot.

  • Lily's Halloween Prince

    Hogwarts is having a Masquerade Ball this Halloween. When Lily gets asked to dance by a blonde boy, will she find out who her prince is? Cute one-shot.