

  • The New Dude with a British Accent

    With Myka gone and Pete chasing after her, the Regents decide that it's time Claudia to get a partner. And, right in the middle of her 'Awesome Dance', Mrs. Fredric appears to bring Claudia to meet her new partner. He is annoying, has glasses, and is just a little bit attractive. But, if they can't agree on which taxi to take, how are they going to retrieve an artifact together?

  • Retrieving Rose with River

    What happens when a teenaged girl drops into the TARDIS with keys? What happens when she talks about Rose, in front of River? What happens when she drags them on a wild goose chase to save Rose? What happens when River asks why he cares so much? What happens when the Doctor must choose between his first and second love? [Dedicated to my awesome BFFWYLION]

  • Quotes

    Just some funny PJO quotes. I don't own 'em, I only write 'em.

  • Where the TARDIS Can't Reach

    The Doctor and Rose are trying to get to 19th century Scotland. But for some reason, the Tardis can't take them there. So, it's up to the strange duo to save the human race from extinction before Rose is born. HIATUS

  • The Doctor's New Companion

    Claudia is doing inventory when the Tardis appears. While she goes on her wild adventures with The Doctor in the Tardis, all of her friends at home are trying to find her. She goes on adventures back to the Renaissance time, the beginning of Warehouse 13, and how Warehouse 12 gets destroyed. This story is better than the summary. HIATUS