
  • Project H

    "Twins? Are you sure? Last time the ultrasound only showed one embryo..." "Positive. It's coming out of her. How can we not be sure?" "Hmm... This changes things... Lucrecia actually had twins. It matters not, it just gives me a new specimen for Project JENOVA. That one, the unnamed one, shall be known as... Harriel. Sephiroth and Harriel, Projects S and H."

  • Taken for Granted

    Do you know what it's like to be taken for granted? For your gifts, gifts that no one can live without, to be unappreciated. For you to try and try and give and give and get nothing in return? To have power that would make most consider you a god, but not be recognized or respected? It can drive you insane.

  • The Next Target

    Harry, depressed about losing Sirius, curses Fate for making his life so miserble. Fate, bored, hears this and decides to prove she isn't a horrible person by doing what she does best, because, unlike her predecessors, Katelyn Dalton just loves making the least possible things happen, in terms of romance, that is. And 1935 is the perfect place to start her new story. Adopted.

  • Pretty Little Demons

    Non-magic. Harry was always able to see them. He was able to see them for as long as he remembers. They were always there, floating around him, clinging onto staircases and all. The demons, he was once told, can only be seen by certain people, special people. Maybe that's why he was always called a freak, maybe that's why he knows that Tom Riddle, his English teacher, is different.

  • A Guiding Darkness

    Boredom can actually make people do very weird things, really. After who knows how long of feeling so numb, waking up as Tom Riddle is going to change things. Fate really does have a weird sense of humor. Harry reincarnated as Tom Riddle, Dark Lord Harry. Adopted.

  • Ferris Wheel

    You know those stories where two guys like the same girl and then one guy gets his heart broken after seeing the other guy kiss the girl on the top of the Ferris Wheel? This isn't one of those stories. Professor McGonagal forcing Harry and Draco to 'bond' at the amusement park leads to Ginny seeing something unexpected. Slash DRARRY