

  • Better Than Wonderful

    Archie takes not one but two leaps of faith the night of New Olympia High's homecoming dance, changing things forever yet for the better.

  • Two Tales of Follicles

    Two short stories about the most colorful heads of hair in the Brownstone. First, Archie succumbs to the hands of the mischievous Atlanta. Second, Archie learns to double check that the contents of a box matches the outer packaging.

  • Elysian Fields

    A tragedy, a broken heart which only leads to more tragedy, and a forgotten promise. In the strange world of mythology, even all these can mean a happy ending.

  • The Brownstone: A collection of shorts, drabbles, catch-alls

    Random stories that come to me and are too short to be out all on their own, but aren't boring enough to stay hidden away. Everyone may be included in one way or another, everyone may not be. Rating may be subject to change some day, because who knows where my mind will wander.