Curly Q's

  • I'll Come For You

    One-Shot. Reviews returned. - There's a depth to the bond the Tam siblings share. When River is injured one day aboard Serenity, Simon is reminded of a similar incident from childhood and the promise he made to his sister years ago.

  • Wishes and Nadder Scales

    One-Shot. Reviews returned! Following the battle with the Red Death, Astrid Hofferson takes to the woods to deal with her newfound feelings for one Hiccup Haddock. But first, she has to deal with this Deadly Nadder that just won't seem to leave her alone.

  • Metal Death Accelerators

    The inhabitants of Berk are used to Hiccup's ideas and inventions. But the grips of an icy winter bring a new gadget they've never seen before. (Set sometime during D:ROB. Slight Hiccstrid.)

  • Thor Never Aims in the Same Place Twice

    Unless your name is Snotlout Jorgenson. And when the only person who can understand you is Tuffnut Thorsten... well, let's just say that luck may not be in your favor. Five-part story, co-authored with Faye M.A. Set in a span of time from HTTYD 1 to D:DOB. Slight Hiccstrid; Snotlout and Tuffnut friendship.