
  • Exile Vilify

    "Thanks, Casey." The human nodded, arms retracting back to rest in his lap. "Anyone would be lucky to have you. You're a killer babe, Blue." A ghost of a smile graced his lips, making Jones grin in some measure of triumph.

  • Sleepy Bunny

    "I think it's sweet. It either means you were unbelievably tired that you just couldn't keep your eyes open..." He tilted his head with a wide and warm smile, making him squint slightly. "Or you felt safe enough with them that your body decided it was okay to sleep there." Katanshipping fluff.

  • Turn of events

    Slight AU based on the season finale, "Vengeance is mine". In which, Leo did not duck. Discontinued until further notice.

  • Shells

    Donnie's maroon eyes narrowed at the boy, then slowly peeled away from the wall, slipping cautiously back onto his stool and leaning over his work again. Casey sighed in relief and patted his own chest; pissed off a ninja. Still breathing.

  • Angels

    "... I don't know who you are... But I know you've gotta be the same people I hear Casey talking to in his room when he thinks I'm asleep sometimes... And if you're hiding somewhere listening... Thanks. You're angels, and I love you."

  • The Wonder of You

    "Seriously though, don't run from this. Everything's going to be fine. If you like guys, you go get yourself guys. I'll be here to make you laugh whether things go right or wrong, because I know you don't need me being protective like the others. Some asshole messes you around, I know full well you can kicked his sorry butt all on your own."

  • Turtle Anthology

    A collection of drabbles, oneshots and unfinished work that never will be finished, but were decent enough for me to want to share. So, enjoy, comment, but don't pester for continuations of any pieces you read in this anthology. You will be promptly ignored. Peace! Ratings may vary; yaoi, het, t-cest, ect.

  • Mine

    It was a massive, fierce aura. Like a thunder storm, vibrating the air and overwhelming his senses. Leo supposed it was good practise, meditating with such a strong presence. He was used to distractions of all sorts; hyper active Mikey, angry Raph, coffee depraved Don. Attractive samurai rabbit.

  • A punishment worthy of death

    "Hey, who has a better hold over me than you?," he chuckled. "If they took ya away from me, I'd stir up so much trouble, cause so much chaos, blow up so many buildings, that they'd have to bring ya back just to make me stop. And I wouldn't until they let'cha come and see me again."

  • Going home

    "It's all your fault! How could you! Look what you've done! Look what you've done to our little girl!" The Goth girl swallowed slightly, resting her cheek on BeetleJuice's shoulder. "Beej, am I... am I..."

  • Haircut

    In which, Leo gives April a hair cut. Warnings: T-Cest, slight swearing and Mikey being a sneaky lil' fella.