
  • Little White Lie

    "Who did you say you were datin?" Dally asked. It was a simple question, one that Johnnie shouldn't have had any troubles answering; Ponygirl, she was dating Ponygirl. Too bad it wasn't that easy. Struck with sudden panic, she said the first name that came to mind- and it wasn't Pony's. Because of her white lie, things are about to get a lot more hectic. (Fem!Johnny&Ponyboy)

  • Exactly Three Ficlets

    Just three random sweet moments between Johnny and Soda. The stories aren't related but you can take it as you fancy. (Written for a motherfucker)

  • Voyeur

    PWP of Fem!Pony/Fem!Johnny while the guys secretly watch. (Written for a sick-minded friend & now updated!)

  • Three Rules

    There are three simple rules Steve and Sodapop follow in a world where the dead wander the streets; they aren't nice ones, but they work. (Zombie AU)

  • Everythin' I need

    Rubbing his arms, he approached Dally, who was leaning on the hood... Johnny took a spot right next to him, head tilted upwards so he could watch the sky as well. The moon was full. Wetting his lips, Johnny said, "Sure is pretty, ain't it?" Dally, without missing a beat, shrugged and replied, "I guess. I didn't come here for the view, though; I came here to bang you."

  • Johnny x OC Lemon Slash

    She's not your average greaser girl... There's definitely something different about her, something that Johnny loves desperately. Although the other gang members smell trouble; how will they deal with it? Especially when a certain someone starts to get jealous. (Preview pic courtesy of ZiggyRaccon on deviantart!)

  • Leather on Jean

    "Y'know, wearing this jacket makes me feel right tough." "T-u-f-f or t-o-u-g-h?" I counted on my fingers as I spelled them out, making sure I didn't forget a letter. "Both," Pony said, "I'm real glad Soda gave it to me, makes me feel like I can do anything." "Glory, anything now?" "Yeah; wanna wrestle a little and prove it?"

  • Skinny Dip

    "The morning Soda announced we were going swimming, just me and him, I told him I didn't have no bathing suit to go in with, but apparently that wasn't a problem to him... I wasn't quite sure what thrilled me more; the fact that I didn't have to spend the day in the sweltering heat or that I would have the chance to be alone with Soda butt naked." (For Pepsi-Cola Pony, my rock)

  • More than a Friendly Feeling

    "I mean... It's not like it'd be the first time we've done stuff like it, but I was thinking we take it a bit farther," My grin wavered a bit. I felt suddenly nervous talking about this. "And I guess my bed would be more comfortable than the backseat of Dally's car." (Fem!Ponyboy&Johnny)

  • Starry Night

    "In public, Ponyboy and I don't talk much. We just stand side by side, silent like statues, and let everyone else run their mouths. Once we got ourselves alone, though, we talked enough to fill a book or two. Sometimes we talked about important stuff, sometimes we talked about nothing... I blew out a breath of smoke and flicked my cigarette. "You ever kiss anyone, Ponyboy?" "

  • On The Third Night

    "During those days that we were hiding out in the church, I didn't sleep very well, which was kind of expected, I guess, since for the most part we were curled up on the cold, hard floor... Our little arrangement went swell for the first couple nights, then on the third night I found a major flaw in our plan. More like I woke up to it." (T because there's nothing too graphic.)

  • A Birthday You'll Never Forget

    As Mac's birthday comes around the corner, some of the boxer decide it's time to keep up an age old " birthday tradition", even though Mac has his doubts. (Written for a friend, an orgy fic featuring quite a few of the characters from the wii punch-out. Now re-uploaded with a readable format!)