

  • Him

    I found this piece of writing from when I was 16. Reading through it, the boy reminded me of Joseph Quinn. Let me know what you think? Of course it's a more modern take so doesn't really relate to Stranger Things

  • The Need for Acceptance

    My take on the build up to Peter and Chummy's wedding and the lengths that Peter will go to achieve acceptance from Chummy's family.

  • To Love or To Run?

    I know I said I had other projects on the go that were more important, but here I am writing another FF, this time one about 'Miranda' I need a break from all the seriousness that is my novel, what a better way than with a bit of 'Such FUNs and Bare withs! I hope you enjoy!

  • Outside, where the sun shines

    Recently I have been writing with a friend, but alongside those, I have gradually been writing this FanFic. It is back with the Noakes, Peter feels the children are not spending enough time out of the house, he puts its down to the poor arrangement of their garden, so takes on the task of clearing out the garden. For a change, I am writing this one in First person.

  • How Time Flies

    After nearly five years since she married Gary, is Miranda still living in a fairytale or has the bubble burst?

  • I Had No Choice

    Things in Poplar take a turn for the worse, everyone is pulled into situations they'd rather not be in. Set after Series 4. Please Review!

  • A Christmas Wish

    There's nothing more that Peter wants than to spend Christmas with his family.

  • Just Look at Him

    After the success of my last CTM FanFic, where I wrote in First person as Peter, I have decided to write this one again in First person. (It is from Chummy and Peter's points of view.) Just Look at Him, follows the Noakes family, young Freddie suddenly becomes ill, causing the pair to relive past events, stirring up old memories.

  • The Perfect Bedtime Story

    Fanfic number ten! This is a piece that I wrote many months ago but lost, thankfully the notepad turned up. Peter is on his own looking after Freddie (7) and Edie (4), whilst Chummy is out with Trixie and Cynthia. The two are very hyper and Peter tries to calm them down with a story, it doesn't exactly turn out how he planned, it goes better than he thought.

  • A well earned rest

    And swiftly onto FanFic number nine. Another try at a Turnadette FanFic, exploring Dr Turner and Shelagh's relationship behind the closed door. If you have twitter please follow me @ceri Mirandah

  • Time for School

    I've had a short break from writing FanFics to work on another project, now i'm back with my eighth FanFic! We return to the Noakes family, Camilla has been dreading this day, Freddie's first day at school. Prepare for laughter and tears. Sorry that some of the word are joined, it won't let me change it! :(

  • Dinner Disaster

    All of my previous Fanfics have been about Peter and Chummy, I have had a request from a reader asking me to write about Shelagh and Patrick, so here goes! (Although this is about the Turners, the Noakes do make an appearance!) Shelagh has been up since first light preparing the house for the Noakes' visit, but unfortunately for Shelagh, everything that can go wrong, does.

  • Someone to talk to!

    In my sixth Fanfic I am going to continue the theme of Fanfic #3. Chummy struggles to cope with the fact that she is pregnant again. She is happy of course, but at the same time, extremely scared. She needs someone to talk to, other than Peter. He just tells her what he thinks she's wants to hear. Chummy turns to Cynthia, the two discuss her worries.

  • In the Doghouse!

    This is my fifth FanFic, and yes it is about Peter and Chummy! Who knew! We join the couple in 1963, Chummy is at home with Edie (1) and Freddie (4) Peter is out, and late getting home. Chummy begins to worry, when Peter returns he has a surprise for his family. What could it be?

  • So much has changed

    this FanFic I have continued with one of the current episodes. (Episode 3 of Series 3) In this episode it is Chummy's birthday, after being disappointed with the fake theatre tickets the group retreat to the pub for a pint of bitter and some darts. Afterwards you see Jenny, Alec, Trixie and Cynthia return to Nonnatus house, but you don't see the Noakes' journey home. Now you do.

  • Peter's Present

    It doesn't take a genius to guess who stars in my third fanfic. Chummy has been trying her hand at cooking, which unfortunately, always ends in tears, burnt bits and wasted ingredients. In this short passage Chummy cooks Peter a birthday meal, prepare for mess, tears and a big shock.

  • That's one for the Mantelpiece

    Well, here we are again, my fourth FanFic. I'm starting to get the hang of these! It seemed that for a while I lost the love of writing but as soon I tried my hand at writing a fan fiction, the passion reappeared. It think it  helps that I adore the chosen characters (and actors.)

  • Fun Times for Freddie

    Call the Midwife is a great passion of mine, the characters pull at my heartstrings, they feel so real to me. This fan-fiction takes place within the home of the Noakes. Peter has just returned home after a long shift, he is welcomed by a nervous wife trying to rein in their young child. I hope you enjoy it.