
  • For The Rest Of My Days

    Magnus was so fervently in love with his blue eyed Shadowhunter. Alec wasn't hiding anymore. Malec. Male/Male. Magnus/Alec. make-out/sex scenes ensured.

  • tick tick tick tick

    A Destiel fanfic (poem sort of thing). Its pretty much a load of Destiel feels. male/male. Dean/Cas. Rated T. Warning: sad as heck

  • Piece Of Marco

    Jean's POV of the funeral scene. CONTAINS MAJOR SPOILERS! Rated M for mentions of violence and dark themes. JeanMarco centered. AOT. SNK. Jean/Marco

  • Flying and falling

    Role reversal: John is on the roof and Sherlock is standing below. Johnlock. rated M for suicide and mentions of violence.

  • Alec is perfect

    Malec fanfic. Magnu's POV. he describes everything he loves about alec. male/male. complete. (maybe)

  • Wedded Union

    Malec wedding fic. "I'm just going to ignore the fact that you two were hugging in a closet... Actually, on second thought, maybe you should explain. Jace hasn't hugged anyone besides Clary in years. This story must be good." Sizzy. Clace. Helen/Aline. Catarina is in this a bit as well. Rated M for safety but its not too graphic.

  • Second Chances

    Fix It fic. Ianto miraculously survived the events of CoE. No one knows how or why, but Ianto is determined to find out why his life was spared. Jack lost Ianto once and will never lose him again, no matter what the cost. Janto Centric.

  • Mistletoe and Malec

    Short, fluffy, One shot in honour of Malec Day! Christmas themed and Malec centric. Pure fluff. Magnus/Alec.

  • Not Over You

    A Malec songfic based on the song Not Over You by Gavin Degraw. Malec. Male/Male. Magnus/Alec

  • Arguments and Elevators

    Magnus's Jealousy is cause for an argument. They both have things they need to get off their chests. Malec. Male/Male.

  • Wounded

    When something happens to Alec, Magnus drops everything and comes to his aid. (Jace gains respect for Magnus and Alec's relationship) Malec. Male/male. Magnus/Alec.

  • The City Of Shattered Glass

    Alec finds out about Max's death in the middle of the battle field and his whole world is broken. Lightwood sibling feels. Malec later.

  • I Love You, Idiot

    Cute Malec one-shot. Alec is beginning to feel comfortable around Magnus. Male/male. Magnus/Alec.

  • Immortality

    Magnus's inner conflict about immortality breaks more then just a vase. Malec story. Male/male. Magnus/Alec

  • Did you miss me?

    Mormor fanfic. Jim Moriarty returns and Sebastian Moran, after three years of grieving, is furious. Mormor. male/male. from BBC sherlock. (Moran isn't exactly in the show but he is a popular character from the books.)