James the Lesser

  • Shameless Self Insert Into Daria

    I need a break from my original works after finishing a monster of a book, Unique. So, I've had this idea for a long, long time. Starting back when the show first aired long time ago. So, here, a new character, Adrian, is friends with Jane before Daria shows up. How will he change the show? Read to find out!

  • JLT's Code Lyoko Season 2

    My take on the Lyoko Series starting at Season 2. If you've read my past work you will know that any thing can happen and that a twist is just around the corner in any chapter!

  • Young Justice Aftermath

    Season 3 was canceled. Grrr. I was snowed in like millions of Americans so did a YJ marathon. After that I wanted to know what happened next so am going to find out!

  • Daria: College Pains The Sophomore Year

    The Sequel to Daria: College Pains, follows her in her Sophomore year at Raft. Quinn at her school. And of course the others, old and new.

  • Dear FanFiction: Letters From Hogwarts

    I read a Great FF by cloudXx9's called Dear Fanfiction in the Young Justice area. In reality ANY FF could have this. Twilight, My Little Pony, Spiderman, ANY FF section. Snarky letters from the characters of HP complaining about FF, what could go wrong?

  • Daria: College Pains Redux

    Follow Daria, Jane, and others as they move on from Daria: Is It College Yet? Going to college, making new friends, being miles apart from loved ones. How will Mack and Jodie cope with being so far apart? How will Jane cope with out Daria? How will Daria cope with all new students and teachers to snark at? Read to find out!

  • Harry Potter and the Other World Redux

    After the deaths and disaster of year 5 from my book Harry Potter and the Dark Messenger Redux Harry sets out to... Well, you'll have to read an updated, fixed, and hopefully much better version of my earlier HPOW book.

  • Harry Potter and the Dark Messenger Redux

    I originally wrote this in 2005. It was the first one I ever wrote and was horrible. So I am rewriting it and fixing stuff. Anyways, book 5, follow Harry and the gang in a world where Voldemort is back! Wizards paranoid, the stress getting to them, and of course Harry being the center of it all!

  • Harry Potter and the Dawn Of War

    After 6th year Harry has a Summer and a new school year ahead of him as the War with Voldemort Escalates. Will he be able to deal with the pressure, keep his friends and love together or will Voldemort succeed? Sequel to Dark Mess., Other World, Bad Wish

  • Harry Potter and the Dark Messenger

    Potter FF, I replace the real 5 with one that has more adult theme in it. Teenage romancephysical relationship, violence, death, gets depressing at points.

  • Harry Potter and the Bad Wish

    Sequel to Dark Messenger and Other World, now sixth year, and other things, Harry wants his Parents more than anything but what will happen when he gets his chance?

  • Harry Potter and the Other World

    Sequel to Harry Potter and the Dark Messanger. NOT 6, it is 5.507. It is to long for a couple chapters in Book 6 but to short for a Book 6. Harry left the wizarding world at the end of Book 5, this picks up where that left off.Complete!