

  • Pointed Towards The Same Future

    Both of their hearts are burning towards a future together. *Written for Day Two of ZenYuki Week 2022.*

  • In The Quiet After All These Years

    It has been years since Ryuu came to work here, and yet on a quiet day, it's easy to remember the road in which he got here. *A birthday giftfic for a wonderful friend of mine.*

  • A Very Big Risk

    Zeno thinks that that would be a very big risk. *Fanpoem.*

  • After The Wedding

    Zen and Shirayuki have a honeymoon to attend to, and so, Mitsuhide and Kiki are granted time off together.

  • Together Completely With No Regrets

    The first morning as a married woman is nice, Lust decides. *Requested by Guest.*

  • Finally Home

    I've finally come home, even though I never imagined that I wanted a home. *Fanpoem.*

  • A Family Picnic

    It's a rare day off for everyone, so they plan a family picnic to enjoy the early Summer weather and this time together. *Written for MitsuKiki Fortnight 2022, Day Fifteen.*

  • As Guards Fall (To Relax Completely)

    Mitsuhide and Kiki trust each other completely, so they are able to let their guards fall around each other and relax completely. *Written for Day Fourteen of MitsuKiki Fortnight 2022.*

  • Of Similar Strength

    Kiki finds that there's a bit of a challenge to this match after all. *Written for Day Thirteen of MitsuKiki Fortnight 2022.*

  • Underneath The Stars

    Kiki and Mitsuhide are still on guard to make sure nothing dangerous happens, and yet the night is quiet and gentle before them. *Written for MitsuKiki Fortnight 2022, Day Twelve.*

  • The Surprising Gift Of A Bit Of A Break

    Zen lets them enjoy a break as a festival goes on in the town. *Written for Day Eleven of MitsuKiki Fortnight 2022.*

  • Where Her Treasure Lies

    Treasure is an interesting word, and for Kiki, there's a select few places where her treasure lies. *Written for MitsuKiki Fortnight 2022, Day Ten.*

  • As If We Had The Power To Stop Time

    Despite the years, this wonderful feeling persists around him. *Written for Day Nine of MitsuKiki Fortnight 2022.*

  • Peacefully Together

    They are together. *Written for Day Eight of MitsuKiki Fortnight 2022.*

  • Someone That Doesn't Belong

    Kiki's careful of which boats she targets, and yet this boat yields a man that isn't like the rest of them. *Written for Day Seven of MitsuKiki Fortnight 2022.*

  • Openness And Vulnerability (Together)

    Kiki can read Mitsuhide pretty well, but he definitely can read her just as well. *Written for Day Six of MitsuKiki Fortnight 2022.*

  • To Be Around Your Warmth

    Kiki appreciates the little things about Mitsuhide. *Written for Day Five of MitsuKiki Fortnight 2022.*

  • As Rain Keeps Us Inside

    It's a rainy, drizzly day, and yet, somehow this is more beautiful than Kiki would have guessed. *Written for Day Four of MitsuKiki Fortnight 2022.*

  • To See The Other

    Kiki can read Mitsuhide like an open book. *Written for Day Three of MitsuKiki Fortnight 2022.*

  • An Old Fear (And Some Comfort)

    Kiki relives an old fear of hers, and yet, the very person that the fear centers on comes and provides some much appreciated comfort. *Written for Day Two of MitsuKiki Fortnight 2022.*