

  • If There Was A Word For This

    Words feel nearly impossible at describing what Mitsuhide means to her and what their relationship is like. *Written for Day One of MitsuKiki Fortnight 2022.*

  • An Apologetic Explanation For You

    You deserve an apology, Kiki, and an explanation. *Fanpoem.*

  • As You Waited By My Side

    Zen needs to say thank you to the person that's stood by his side through thick and thin, his very best friend. *Fanpoem.*

  • To Find A New Beginning Together

    Shirayuki and Zen have known each other for forever, it seems like, and yet somehow there's this little persistent pushing to consider being with each other. But it's only when they are older that despite difficulties that they feel this hope as well. *A belated birthday giftfic for a very wonderful friend of mine.* *Swan Princess AU.*

  • A Gift For My Love

    Raji just wants to give Shirayuki a wonderful gift as she visits him. *A late fill to Day One of RajiYuki Weekend 2022, filling one of the prompts for that day.*

  • A Stolen Yet Seen Moment

    Shirayuki feels as if the whole room's eyes are on them, and somehow she follows Raji's lead anyway. *A late fill to RajiYuki Weekend 2022, Day Three, filling one of that day's prompts.*

  • Love That Transcends Rank

    Kiki has no idea what the future holds, but it seems ripe with possibility by his side. *Fanpoem.*

  • New Surroundings (And A False Cover Story)

    Raji is sent undercover on a mission of sorts by his father, and yet that leads to some rather unexpected places.

  • A New Beginning Is Forged Here

    Kihal stumbles upon the islander that seems more like some lost prince than an actual native, and yet, somehow it feels like a new beginning.

  • One Rainy Day Off

    Casey gets a surprising day off from work, and while it rains, he gets a visitor.

  • Quietly

    Kiki loves quietly. *Fanpoem.*

  • To Break Down This Cotton Awkwardness

    Kiki knows how important honesty is, and yet it can be difficult now after all this time.

  • A Now Familiar Joy

    Yona acknowledges the joy that's become familiar to her now.

  • Warmth Brought Back To Winter

    Even leaving the place he calls home for a visit somewhere else still can make him feel right at home. *Birthday giftfic for a wonderful friend of mine.*

  • A Sign Of Excitement Or Victory

    The battle's over, so a little celebration no matter how small is in order. *Requested by angrypaperearthquake.*

  • A New Beginning Carved Out Of The Old

    Shirayuki makes good on her promise, to show Raji her hair now that it's all grown out.

  • Lessons Well Learned

    Yona refuses to let Lili be harmed or even killed by the Nadai smuggler. *Takes place in chapters 82 through 83 of the manga.*

  • Even Without A Chance

    Yun knows that the odds are unlikely, and yet, even knowing something is impossible doesn't stop his heart.

  • Different Symptoms Than Normal

    Yona's is pretty positive that she knows why she feels this way, though her symptoms are not the usual ones that come around. *Requested by angrypaperearthquake.*

  • A Bit Of A Break From The Palace

    Perhaps it's selfishness to pull a prince from his castle for a moment, but Kihal kind of wants a chance to just be close to him.