The Original Frizzi

  • Mystery Box

    Fame has been known to come with a price... or in this case, with an unexpected package. What adventures await our fearless Hawke this time? Read further and find out!

  • Dreams and Nightmares

    To create you own prison is a gamble; it could either fall apart on the first try, or it could work... all too well... A short Halloween prompt that I *finally* got around to posting, exploring the darker side of Dragon Age. ***Rated T***

  • A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

    The end of the Blight led to the end of an evil reign... but what if they never really left? A short Halloween prompt I *finally* got around to posting, exploring the darker side of Dragon Age. ***Rated M to be safe!***

  • To Save a Crow

    One must remember that we are certainly in a common class with the beasts; every action of animal life is concerned with seeking bodily pleasure and avoiding pain. ***Rated M for some maturity, including fluffiness***

  • The Night Was Filled With (DA FF Writers June Challenge)

    The battle at Ostagar was an eventful night, for more than just the Wardens and King Cailan. This is a brief glimpse into a soldier's final moments on the battlefield.