
  • Operation: Anti-Terrorism

    She is Rogue Tvarkov. She is the first General of Anti-Terrorism. She doesn't want to disappoint. She is willing to run around the globe to save countless lives. Are you willing to be like her? T for safety's sakes.

  • Project Infinite: The Beginning

    It was just an experiment, an experiment gone horribly wrong. The test subject escaped, and the whole island is on red alert. Sleep is becoming more of a fantasy here in the EPF, with frequent sightings being reported from various places of the isle. The generals are healing, many barely sleeping, and I am here wondering just how he knows me... T for violence.

  • Classified Files: Rogue Tvarkov

    She believes she someone she's not, but doesn't know that she's a member of one of the most powerful families in all of Russia. She hardened thanks to the cruelty of Mother Russia's cold, and was experimented on harshly. She's cold, she's prepared, and she's lethal. Though, she's only just a girl... Rated T just in case...

  • 15 Generals, 15 Moments

    Behind the greatest operations, the greatest manhunts, and the greatest computers, are people. But who lead these people? Meet the 15 Generals of the 15 Divisions of the EPF. Read about their moments, their normal lives, and normal antics. T just to be safe. Read and review, please!