
  • Black Blood and a Child

    When the Black Blood takes over Maka while she is pregnant with her first child, will they both be okay? Soul and Maka tries not to worry for the sake of friends and family, but will their baby survive the evil clutches of the blood and madness? Not even Dr. Stein has an answer.

  • Wilted Rose

    Team RWBY was sent on a simple mission to clear out Grimm. It would be easy for a group of two year students, especially for a team who were as skilled as the four. The odds were in the team's favor. But, as they were cutting the Grimm down, something went wrong. Rated T for language, violence, and character death.

  • RWBY One Shots

    Random one shots of almost every genre. Songfics included as well as occasional lemons. The type of story will be explained at the top of every chapter. Rated M for lemons and maybe language but not every chapter is going to be rated M. Shipping included!

  • Whitekit's Promise

    Cherrytail says that when her sister was born, she yowled at Ivycloud, their medicine cat, like a Tigerclan cat. When Ivycloud tells her that he thinks her sister is part of a prophecy, she doesn't believe him. Ivycloud slowly goes mad trying to figure out that so called prophecy and threatens to kill her sister so he can take her place. Whitekit promises that she WILL protect her.

  • After The Book

    After leaving the Book of Eibon, Blair has been unusually quiet and stays in her cat form the whole day. When Maka questions her, she does not exactly get the response she was looking for. Male!Blair and Maka LEMON

  • A World Without Teens?

    A group called Kishin is kidnapping teenagers for all of the crimes they supposedly did. One member of the group sees Maka and takes her to the Kishin headquarters. There she meets many teens who are fed up. Will they come together and try to escape? Where will they go when they finally do get out?

  • Maka and Soul A New Kind of Friendship?

    When Maka is immobile in the hospital, she is able to think a lot about her life. After helping her, will Maka fall in love with her best friend and partner? Will Soul Love her back if she does? Maka x Soul with lemons (Soma)