
  • The four times Sherlock kissed Joan (and the one time she did first)

    The titles says it all, basically. Joan/Sherlock fluff and kisses. R/R.

  • Miniature Disaster

    I actually suck at summaries,all I can say is HARMONY ALL THE WAY.is that enough?

  • I would do anything (for you)

    Parker asks Eliot a question that has been haunting her and she receives the answer she was hoping for. Parker/Eliot. Post "The Future Job" R/R

  • Midnight Visitor

    Parker has a nightmare in the middle of the night and she turns to the only person who can calm her down. Parker/Eliot. R/R.

  • Blame it on a kiss

    Continuation of "This is unexpected". Parker sees something that breaks her heart and Eliot must convince her it was mistake. (This writer sucks at summaries, please read inside) Parker/Eliot.R/R

  • Dance with me

    Eliot is slightly jealous Hardison got to do something with Parker that he wanted to do all along. Post episode 3x02 fic. Parker/Eliot established relationship. R/R.

  • This is unexpected

    Eliot is nervous before his performance and Parker helps him to calm down, though her help leads to a whole different situation. Parker/Eliot. R/R.

  • Little Eliot

    Eliot had slighlty silly,but it was all worth it now if that smile didn't leave her face. Parker/Eliot. This is fluff, just pure fluff. R/R.

  • To conquer my nightmares

    Parker woke up in the middle of the night to find her bed empty and cold, and her partner struggling with a bad dream that haunted him. Parker/Eliot established relationship. R/R.

  • Mourning

    Harry is mourning over Sirius dead not in a very nice way.Harry/Hermione.