Lady Sabine of Macayhill

  • The Final Halloween

    Repost. Set in my Unity series. James celebrates his final Halloween at the orphanage that will include both of his best friends being there with him.

  • Unity and the Escaped Rodent of Azkaban

    AU. Sequal to Unity and the Book of Possession. Unity starts out with a pleasant summer, but news of Wormtail's escape from Azkaban ruins things. The group then starts their third and second years at Hogwarts.

  • The Power of Badgers

    Harry Potter does not get raised by the Dursleys, but instead grows up aware of the wizarding world and how he's seen as special. Due to this upbringing, he and his friends decide that they want to be Sorted into Hufflepuff, which changes how he will fulfill his destiny. Please read and review.

  • Saved from Darkness

    A sort of prequel to my fic A Different Future. After losing Lily's friendship, Snape spends the summer as Mrs. Petrov's apprentice in Potions, and slowly heals. Written for reviewer Elspeth25. Please read & review.

  • The AA and the Duplicitous Diary

    Sequel to "A Change in Destiny". Harry Potter and his friends in the Amity Association prepare to start their second year at Hogwarts, but a strange warning from a house-elf puzzles them. Once at Hogwarts, an outrageously stuck-up Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher and signs that the warned-of danger are coming true threaten to complicate matters.

  • A Change in Destiny

    Harry Potter gets rescued from his abusive relatives by Lia Killian, a Muggleborn witch working as a social worker, at the age of nine. This unknowingly puts a kink in the plans Dumbledore has for him, and a very different Harry and his friends attend Hogwarts.

  • Nightwind School of Magic Two

    Sequel to Nightwind School of Magic. Please read that one first or this won't make sense. The Phoenix Club fight in the war against Voldemort, and after his supposed defeat, the second Phoenix Club, consisting of Harry Potter and his friends, attend Nightwind School and deal with the fact that Voldemort isn't quite dead as everyone would like to believe. Please read and review.

  • Childhood Scenes from A Different Future

    A series of one-shots of scenes from Beth and Alex Romanov's childhood from my fic A Different Future. Written because the other fic did not include much about Alex/Harry Potter's childhood with his adoptive family.

  • A Different Future

    The Dursleys decide to not keep Harry Potter and leave him on the steps of a church. A wizarding Romani (Gypsy) couple adopts him, giving him the name of Alexander Romanov, and making him the twin brother to their daughter. Things change from there. Please r&r.

  • Nightwind School of Magic

    Instead of attending Hogwarts, Lily, Severus, Remus, James, and Sirius attend a different school called Nightwind School, a very liberal school that takes those with great magical talent or potential from around the world. They become friends along with eleven others that form a group called the Phoenix Club and this changes their futures greatly. Please read and review.

  • The Step That Became a Start

    A one-shot of Fianola's thoughts as she is in vigil prior to her Ordeal, focusing primarily on how her knight-mistress, Keladry of Mindelan, helped her know for sure that she wanted to try for her shield and the results of that decision. Inspired and based partly on the song "One of Us" by Heather Dale.

  • Unity and the Order of the Phoenix

    Fifth in the Unity series. Voldemort has returned, but the Ministry refuses to believe it. The wizarding world gets more dangerous and Unity has to deal with things. Please read and review.

  • A New Life Path

    A look at what Severus Snape's life might have turned out if his mother had divorced his father when he got his Hogwarts letter. Set in the same universe as my fic Saved from Darkness.

  • Unity and the Goblet of Fire

    Fourth in Unity series. The Triwizard Tournament, renamed the Quartet Quest since Japan is also participating, is held at Hogwarts. James unexpectedly also has to take part, and Unity seeks to find out about Riddle's plot against them. COMPLETE!

  • A Unity Valentine's Day

    One-shot set in my Unity series. This is the Valentine's Day dates that three couples in Unity have. Rated T to be on the safe side.

  • Unity and the Book of Possession

    Sequal to A Twist of Fate. You may want to read that fic first. James Lydell/Harry Potter starts his second year of Hogwarts, but mysterious events force Unity to get involved.

  • A Twist of Fate

    The Dursleys don't want Harry, so they leave him at an orphanage, without a note. The director gives him the name James Evan Lydell and he grows up there, with his best friend and adopted older siblings, twins, and so Fate changes. Please r&r!