

  • In The Name of Black

    On that fateful night of James and Lily Potter's death, young Harry James Potter is rescued and adopted by one Sirius Orion Black. Furious at Dumbledore for the Potter's deaths and his ignorance at Peter's doing, Sirius rejoins the Black family in support of the Dark Lord, bringing with him his son - young Cepheus Sirius Black, heir to the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black.

  • blue

    An overview of House and Cameron from the eyes of a sneaky Stacy Warner, who just happens to be shopping at the same supermarket they are.

  • A Rose is a Rose

    1937: Klaus Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes married seven years ago, when he was a thirty two year old playboy fallen in love for the first time and she, an eighteen year old debutante. Now, the two are in the midst of a bitter divorce with both parents wanting sole custody of their only son. What goes down in the weeks leading up to the divorce signing, however, is unexpected.

  • The Eternal Night Shall Find Us One

    If you loved someone, you loved him, and when you had nothing else to give, you still gave him love - George Orwell. Eric and Pam's interlude between Bill's true death and the one year later scene of the Season 7 finale. AKA, Eric and Pam talk/flirt/love it out on a private plane to the City of Angels.

  • Give Me Love

    Merope Gaunt and Tom Riddle Sr.'s dalliance with the potent Amortentia potion - and how Merope tricked Tom into drinking it on that hot July afternoon.

  • This Never Ending Road to Calvary

    James Potter - a few weeks before his wedding extravaganza - discovers Lily Evan's letter for one Severus Snape. He doesn't want Lily to mend her relationship with the greasy haired Slytherin. He won't allow it. It would be too dangerous. And so, he chooses the lesser of two evils. What Snape doesn't know...Snape won't know.

  • The Castle of the Queen

    Bellatrix and her deranged affection for Rodolphus (pre-obsession with Voldemort). Her desire to be queen was strong, but the lack of available kings was distressing. So when Bellatrix sees one brooding Rodolphus Lestrange, she forcibly makes him hers because well, she's Bellatrix Black and she'll be damned if she doesn't get what she wants. Bellatrix/Rodolphus.

  • Abaddon - Or, 'An Elegy on Love'

    "That shortsighted Gryffindor—James Potter—will happily be tainting his entire bloodline in the next few months. He's marrying a mudblood." She scowled in disgust. "What a fool." / Snape's expression was neutral, his voice mild. "I don't suppose they have a tapestry to blast him off of?"

  • Draco Malfoy's Guide To Dating: Wedding Edition

    "Are you really that concerned with my love life that you'd stage a tea party intervention?" Harry snickered. If possible, Malfoy's look of displeasure deepened and Harry was rather grateful that looks couldn't kill—or else he'd be long dead, murdered by the cold glare of Draco Malfoy, esq./ Harry needs a wedding date and Draco's here to help. (Book all appointments by owl.)

  • Anemone (don't forsake me, please)

    Wedding bells are ringing, rejoice! Rejoice! A true Potter wedding, oh joy! Oh joy! Or, Bellatrix Lestrange stops by Spinners End for a cup of tea and a bit of gossip with everyone's favorite greasy haired Potions master. Oh, and a rather bleak catastrophe follows a Daily Prophet announcement. But that's a secondary thing, really.

  • Endymion

    It is only in death that everyone realizes why Harry Potter—the Wizarding Savior—had died alone at 12 Grimmauld Place, surrounded by an archaic conclave of postscript goodbyes.

  • A Fragile Instrument

    Each country is a one time visit so Hermione cherishes every memory. (Never mind that he knows her favorite coffee and how she takes it. Never mind that at all.)

  • Brave Illusions of a Tremendous Communion

    au: Caroline Forbes is an aspiring actress in a relationship with the volatile boxer, Tyler Lockwood. When she disappears one night without leaving a clue, the FBI discover Caroline's clandestine affair with the older, multibillionaire media mogul, Klaus Mikaelson. [hiatus]

  • Souls of a Different Century

    In which Caroline is turned by Katherine but instead of remaining in Mystic Falls, runs away to Stamford, CT. An encounter with the Big Bad there morphs into a romance new, perfuming itself under the unassuming starlight as Klaus sees a summer sky in a midnight eve. Klaroline.

  • City of Gold

    The allure of darkness was undermined by the pilgrims of smoke and starlight, urging her ever closer to New Orleans. Or, the uncrowned queen is reunited with her Hybrid king in the wake of a supernatural civil war.

  • Peccadillo

    In which Sansa Stark becomes pregnant with the cruel boy-king's child. [hiatus]

  • Eigengrau

    The color seen by the eye in perfect darkness or, Caroline's realization that she may feel more for the Big Bad than loathing and lust. Humor. Klaus/Caroline.

  • Jökulhlaup

    Deep within the tombs of Mikaelson Manor in New Orleans, Camille discovers a secret room that houses the King of New Orleans' most prized possession - and his fatal weakness. Klaus/Caroline. AU. [now edited]

  • Goodbye the Night

    Perhaps that is her greatest folly, she ponders, that she is able to understand the dark hybrid's mind. And why should she not? She is, after all, his guiding light. Klaus/Caroline drabble.

  • Credence

    It's all a little bit funny, Caroline thinks, that one silver tongued hybrid can make her fall - only to leave and never return. But then another accented potential pain-in-the-ass vampire comes in and he's making her laugh. He's making her smile. Caroline/Enzo exploration. Sequel to 'Cognizance'.