Witch of the West

  • New Generation

    Charlotte Malfoy, Draco and Pansy's daughter, is in her final year at Hogwarts. She must decide if she wants to follow her brothers' footsteps and join professional Quidditch or become a Healer. There's also a bit of romance in the shape of Mitchell Wood.

  • Life Is Worth Living

    Join Oliver Wood as he captains Puddlemere United's eccentric team. He's in charge of a Slytherin, Harry Potter, two twin American Beaters and others. Watch as he learns to enjoy life and love something other than Quidditch.

  • The Second Generation

    The war has ended and our favorite characters have all started families. Their children are growing up and having lives of their own. Join Daniel Malfoy, Jeremy Weasley and Malcolm and Anastasia Lupin through their lives as young adults and Hogwarts gradu

  • George and Katie

    New chapter up! "The Voice Within" is up! I don't own anything. The characters belong to JK Rowling and the songs belong to their respective writers.

  • Her Majesty

    The daughter of a famous American Quidditch star finds herself unwillingly thrown into the new war. She must deal with her loss, the impending job she is to take and falling in love with a Weasley. Can the Quidditch star’s daughter, who is a Quidditch p

  • A New Weapon Forged

    A new weapon is out there, but in a different form than most would think. Join the sons of Fred and George Weasley, as they and their friend Ryan Connolly, find out about this weapon and revel in it's many uses.

  • Pain and Suffering

    His best friend is hurt. She's a Chaser but a rival Chaser. And does someone he know want her affection?

  • Where There Is Love, There Is Life

    Starts after the infamous Pensive incident in OotP. JL lovehate, as it should be. Join the Marauders, Lily and an OC as they end their 5th year and continue on in life. It'll be good, I promise. Read and review!

  • In Love And War

    Slytherins never date out of their house. It's against their 'policy'. But what happens when a Slytherinn falls for a Ravenclaw? And what if that Ravenclaw wants to do something Slytherin?

  • Love Is A Battle, Love Is A War

    In their last year, a group of Ravenclaws learn things about each other that they never knew. They learn about love, true friendship and life. They learn to see things for what they really are.

  • Crazy and Not so Crazy Karaoke Night

    Join the Marauders and the gang for a crazy and not-so-crazy Karaoke Night.

  • BANG!

    What if Fred and George were fraternal twins (boy/girl)? Read the story of Fred and Georgia. Ch. 2: Fred and Georgia meet the new DADA professor on the train and get some astonishing news.

  • Until The Very End

    Arabella Figg loses her world. During her 7th year she must fight her worst enemy: herself. Disclaimer: I own nothing.

  • A Marauder Story

    UPDATED: The Marauders have always been good friends, but when Sirius gets too protective Arabella tries to talk to him. Will this only bring them closer together or drift them apart?

  • Courage: the sequel to Paper and Roses

    *UPDATED* Angelina's in the hospital. How will George and Katie cope with it? Most importantly, how will Fred cope with it? F/A, G/K, A/L

  • Paper and Roses

    *UPDATED* Fred and Angelina are going together, so are Alicia and Lee. How will George ask Katie?