
  • Daughters of Ariel: Aria

    This trilogy was requested by my friend Kim. It'll be a mix of the tv series and the Twisted Tales universe. So they're some spoilers within. This is the conclusion of the trilogy centered around Aria. We additionally meet Eric's nasty family members. Read and Enjoy.

  • Daughters of Ariel: Harmony

    This trilogy was requested by my friend Kim. It'll be a mix of the tv series and the Twisted Tales universe. So they're some spoilers within. The second story is centered around Harmony. We additionally meet Eric's nasty family members. Read and Enjoy.

  • Tale of Rosalind

    This is a birthday one-shot for my friend Rosemary. Spoiler warning it takes place in the Twisted Tales universe; you've been warned. The former Enchantress, Rosalind, is slowly recovering from a decade of torture.

  • Trolls and Cyberbullies

    I'm a frequent victim of being trolled and bullied. Maybe you should pay attention to this story. Plus the cold hard facts found within it. You might stop to think about how you're not so nameless and how much you add to the death toll in this world—some food for thought. THINK CAREFULLY!

  • Self-love

    I find this one ironic. My first fanfic was an X-men Evolution story way back in 2004! So to have a dream of the show to write about? Well, that's frankly quite surprising! Nevertheless, if my dreams tell a story, I can write? Then I shall write it! Enjoy!

  • Homeless

    One of several dreams I had last night. This is the first time I dreamed about Hey Arnold, though. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this short dream story of mine!

  • Chronicles of Atlantis: Glaucoma

    One of two Atlantis request stories from my friend Amy AKA Inuyasharocks01862. I'm using both of her requests to bring awareness to two vital topics. This story is about Milo suffering from glaucoma. It's essential to educate ourselves on various topics and diseases. I hope you take something away from this!

  • Chronicles of Atlantis: Literacy

    One of two Atlantis request stories from my friend Amy AKA Inuyasharocks01862. I'm using both of her requests to bring awareness to two vital topics. The first story you're about to read is to promote the importance of literacy. I hope you enjoy it!

  • Remember Me

    I wrote this story to bring more awareness to Alzheimer's. Again I chose Tiana since she lives in a more modern world than the rest of the Disney Princesses. I've done plenty of research to make this as factual as possible. So please enjoy and do your best to educate yourself to help others!

  • Tiana's Thanksgiving

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I hope you all remain safe while you attend your various dinners. I also hope you enjoy Tiana's family celebrating Thanksgiving with all of New Orleans!

  • Goddess of Vulnerability

    For my friend Kim AKA Sailormoonfangirl. Spoiler warnings as this take place in the Twisted Tale Universe. So if you don't want spoilers, then you shouldn't read. If you don't care about them? Then read. Meg, the Goddess of Vulnerability, must confront the father who abandoned her to make peace with her past.

  • Duties of a big brother

    This story was requested by my friend Amy AKA Inuyasharocks01862. She asked for an HBND, so I wrote one for her. I'm also using this story as a means to bring awareness to people with Down Syndrome. So enjoy the story.

  • Cup of Joe

    For Starbunny86, who wrote, "More than blood can stand." I have Akiko, Mai, Katara, and Suki try coffee after becoming sick of drinking tea. So let's see how the teenagers' first cup of joe goes? Shall we?

  • The Fire Lady's Dragon

    I wrote this story for Moonbird, being inspired by his story "Children of Agni." My story is set in my When Gold met Jade" universe. Fire Lady Akiko is doing her most beneficial to fulfill her responsibilities as a Dragon Guardian by bringing them back from extinction. It takes place a year after Akiko and Zuko's wedding. Enjoy!

  • Under the sea

    Another one-shot based on my dreams last night. The Gaang go on a beach vacation where they scuba dives around a sunken ship! Enjoy!

  • Consequences

    Actions have consequences, or at least they're supposed to. However, we cannot ever forsee how many consequences they're for everyone involved, now can we?

  • Misunderstanding

    This is one of two dreams I had last night. This was the first dream I had last night. It seems partially inspired by Luca even though it had Hiccup and Toothless in it. Either way, I hope you enjoy my dream!

  • Genderbender

    This is one of two dreams I had last night. The title is genderbender but not in the traditional sense. Korra is asked by a transgender person to change their gender. Will she be able to pull it off? Read, and you shall see!

  • Payback

    Rose is playing the stand-in role for what I've dealt with this morning already with my mother. So I hope you guys understand why I'm writing this down for my mental health.

  • The tale of my little sister, Mom

    Sequel to "Brother Where Are You?" Don't read unless you've seen HTTYD2. Hiccup feeling full of heartache, grief, and depression tells his mom the tale of five years ago when he helped his 'little sister' Una cross over to Valhalla. Together they work through their broken hearts and remember family and love is forever. One Shot