
  • Farewell, Hagrid

    As we all know, the incredible actor who played Hagrid sadly passed last week. So I've been trying to find a way to honor our fallen friend. I finally came up with it. So enjoy the following poem!

  • Counseling Session 1

    A series I promised my friend Phil. I'll be using my own therapy sessions to inspire this series, where I have Troi stand-in for my therapist. So I hope you enjoy these sessions, and I hope I'll enjoy writing them.

  • Obsidiana's Grandmother

    Happy Birthday, Horangi21! Thank you so much for the reviews on my previous Kyoshi story! I hope you enjoy your birthday story! As well as everyone else who reads this!

  • Tea Time

    I've been doing a lot of stories where people meet to talk over coffee. This is the same thing except with tea since the world of Avatar doesn't have coffee. So enjoy as the characters chat over a cup of tea!

  • Over a Cup of Coffee 2

    Yet another coffee series. This one, though, is for Gargoyles. It's a modern-day AU where none of the characters are gargoyles. Just ordinary people with everyday lives. I hope you enjoy this!

  • War of Worlds

    The next thrilling adventure of the Neo-Senshi written by my friend Japananimegirl! They're heading for a deep space mission to secure an alliance between their world and the alien world Koen where Alan and Ann's reborn society live! But, of course, dangers are never far away!

  • Tale of Obsidiana

    The Avatar Kyoshi novels by F. C. Yee inspired this fanfic. So spoiler warnings to those who've not read the books. This takes place after "The Shadow of Kyoshi." Kyoshi and her girlfriend Rangi are trying to enjoy their anniversary when they unexpectedly encounter an evil plot involving a greedy lord enslaving children. Read to find out more.

  • The Bat and the Cat

    This story was requested by my DA friend Moongirl9139 for her birthday. It centers around her original character, who is the new Catwoman. I hope both you and she enjoy it! Now on with the story!

  • Coffee Klatch 5

    Another coffee date. Vlad's wife Magdalene is meeting up with different friends for this one. So I hope you enjoy this one!

  • Coffee Klatch 4

    Another coffee date. Vlad's wife Magdalene is meeting up with different friends for this one. So I hope you enjoy this one!

  • Happy Birthday, Harry Potter!

    A little poem I wrote in honor of Harry Potter's 42nd Birthday. Yes, he would be 42 today as he was born on July 31st, 1980! So enjoy this little poem!

  • The Goblin Queen II

    This is my birthday one-shot for my friend Kim AKA Sailormoonfangirl. Her two favorite things in the world are Labyrinth and Gargoyles. So this is a follow-up to the first Labyrinth story I wrote her. I hope both she and you dear readers enjoy it! Thanks!

  • Vet Visit 2

    How yesterday went when I took my cat in for her yearly vaccination. Since my cat is named Akiko after the OC in this story? Her cat is named Zuka after her dragon from other stories. Enjoy!

  • Xiaoying's Day Off

    Finally, I've got a story starting with X! So now I've finally got the whole alphabet regarding story titles! So I hope you enjoy this incredible little story!

  • Part-Time Jobs

    A short, modern-day AU where the Gang has after-school jobs. Enjoy.

  • Coffee Klatch 3

    Vlad and his friends' coffee date, enjoy!

  • Coffee Klatch 2

    Mag and her friends are having another coffee date. Enjoy.

  • Deep Sea Senshi

    The following story in the adventures of the Neo Senshi, written by my friend Japananimegirl. This time Chibiusa, her sister, and their teammates are going on an under the sea adventure! Enjoy becoming part of the Aqua Senshi's world! Please review. My friend would really like it if you did.

  • A single moment

    Happy early birthday, Kaithunder! I hope I did an excellent job with your story. Even if it isn't exactly what you asked for. I hope you like it all the same! As for everyone else? Please enjoy!

  • Legacy II

    A short follow-up to a one-shot I posted about a week ago. Enjoy!