
  • My Childhood Friend

    Kuon met Kyouko as a child, but what if he never left... Or at least not for long. Read a heart-rending story as it unfolds about a girl who has forgotten how to love and a boy who must learn to love himself. As a tale stretches across time on how two people help themselves in capturing this elusive emotion.

  • Setsuka's Dog

    Challange- Animal Antics! President Lory is up to his antics again. The latest assignment features a mischievous dog, Kyouko, and Ren all in an apartment. You think Ren would be happy with the new arrangement if their latest companion didn't seem to have it out for him. What'll happen to their relationship as the story unfolds with the help of a giant, lovable Komondor dog.

  • What it Means to Love

    The grudges are beginning to weaken as Kyouko has begun to open herself to love. The Angels are preparing themselves for one last battle; however, it is only a certain amount of time before the battle is won. The angels hold the weapon of the grudges undoing: love. What will happen to our grudges? A continuation of the oneshot- Playing Poker with the Demon King.

  • The Gift's Solstice

    Taken by birth, the Dragon spent her life caged away. Now with the help of an Ice-Harvester she finally learns to Let Go; Elsa had always been going down the right path, she just needed someone by her side to help her to see it. 3-shot

  • The Unconventional Guide to Ice Queens

    Elsa, the crowned queen of Arendelle, ran away that night to protect her sister from herself; but when a dangerous stalker invites himself into her enchanted castle-of-ice to introduce himself, whose going to protect her?

  • Life's too Short

    After the Queen dies during childbirth; Elsa raises her sister until an accident freezes their relationship. The King curses his youngest child and Elsa isolates herself to protect Anna. After years of running, can Elsa repair this rift that has grown between them? Or are the depths just to dark for either of them to pass? Elsanna, self-harm, violence, the good stuff really!

  • Playing Poker with the Demon King

    Kyouko has fallen asleep and the grudges come out to plot against the threats that have appeared. What will be the conclusion of their meeting?