
  • Gate to Vannas 4: Vannas to SGC

    4th in GATE to VANNAS Series... SG-1 and their kids plus Greer have been thrown back to the SGC, will Jack and Daniel last after the military gets in the middle of their relationship and what kind of drama will arise from having children that only biologically belong to one or the other. This is a Jack/Daniel SLASH fic as well as a little Sam/Teal'c

  • Gate to Vannas 5: SG1 Past or Future

    5th in GATE to VANNAS Series... Jack and Daniel are finding their way in the world of SGC with their children. They will attempt to get the children school-ready and try to maintain a relationship with Jack's parents. But as we know Daniel and Jack cannot live a quiet existence. This is just the latest tale of the boys and their children. This is JACK/DANIEL slash with Sam/Teal'c.

  • Cause to Live

    The Vannas people need to know how to fight without magic, who better to teach them then the Spartacus crew, only they have to remove them from time and giving each Sparty a chance to be free and love the one they are with or find someone to love in this new place. Nagron, Crixus/Naevia and Gannicus/Sybil for sure and others to follow.

  • Gate to Vannas 7: Mother of SG-1

    After the devastation of Sam's actions in "For the Good of SG1", Jack and Daniel must learn to deal with what's happened and hope to learn to forgive one of their best friends. Then enter the mothers with a plan to tear Daniel and Jack's family apart at the seams and a curse that could mean death for one of them. Warning Mpreg... Don't like, don't read. SLASH Jack/Daniel.

  • HO - An Omega Valentine

    A little short for the holiday, enjoy. Would fit into the third Hidden Omega, time wise.

  • Gate to Vannas 6: For the Good of SG1

    6th in GATE to VANNAS Series... The boys and their children are back where they belong, supposedly and there is nothing they can do but get back to normal, as normal as life with magical people and children can be but then there is the results of the previous story and how they were going to get through it, as always together. This is a Daniel/Jack with background Sam/Teal'c.

  • HO 2: Omega Family Christmas

    2nd of HIDDEN OMEGA Series... The Hales, The Stilinskis, and the Oseric families as well as a few others (Scott, Alison and Melissa) have all got together at the rebuilt Hale house in Beacon Hills for Christmas break and this is the chaos that ensues. This is a M/M/M with Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski and (OC) Garrick Oseric.

  • Hidden Omega

    This is a University Alternate Universe where Stiles, an Omega, is forced to hide who he is until Stiles finds his Alpha, then he meets his roommate, a handsome Beta who he feels strongly for as well. This is a M/M/M story and if you don't like don't read. It is Sterek plus an original character. This is the story of Stiles falling in love and learning about himself.

  • Gate to Vannas 3: Return of SG1

    3rd in Gate to Vannas Series... Jack and Daniel along with their children as well as Teal'c and Sam are struggling through challenges with their family and the never ending danger that living with the Vannas people brings to them. But there is a change coming their way and is it going to destroy them or change them forever? This is Jack/Daniel plus Sam/Teal'c.

  • Gate to Vannas 2: SG1 Becomes Regis

    2nd in Gate to Vannas Series...This story will pick up for SG1's continued adventure with a magical kingdom run by a snarky queen against the human Nazi-like element present in the year 2440. They also will have a interesting story with their magical children as they grow into the people they were meant to be. This is a SLASH Jack/Daniel plus Sam/Teal'c.