
  • Mass Effect: Across The Stars

    Commander Shepard is gone. Killed in a mysterious attack on the Normandy, or was he? Spartan B312, the second and only other Spartan to receive the rating of "Hyper-Lethal", has given his life to detonate a slipspace bomb and save reach. But is he truly gone?

  • Dogs, Demons, and Ghosts

    Nathan "Blaze" Fulcher, rookie pilot for the OADF and a member of a family of the worlds greatest aces being chased by an enemy from a war long won. When conflict breaks out yet again, he and his wingmen will have to find a reason to fight in a war that makes no sense. Whos pulling the strings and why do people keep mentioning the Razgriz?

  • Blood and Stars

    Hellsing has survived far into the future with Seras standing by the Hellsing family the enitre way. From the forming of the Systems Alliance to the First Contact War, Hellsing has been the elite defenders of humanity from the occult and their new galactic neighbors. Now as members of the galactic community, Humanity must put foreward its best and that's Hellsing.

  • Came to the Wrong System Motha

    What happens if the reapers chased the Normandy through an unopened relay into an unexplored arm of the Milky Way? Who knows what terrifying and all-powerful races live there. This is a one-shot and a look at the epic OP-ness of Halo vs. Mass Effect. Enjoy.