
a sorceress girl

  • meteor

    drabble collection of hermes/jolyne. nothing much beyond that.

  • Died This Way

    A bet's a bet. [ Eye licking, Jobin/Gappy. Sort of. ]

  • ones and zeros

    [onceler/OC. Headcanons. Self-indulgent like whoa.] reuniting with an old friend can spark a flame that never really died out. love might as well be greed.

  • RD RA

    [Post-Game. OOC. Zell/Squall/Selphie.] It was weird to think about when Squall wanted to be alone all the time.

  • Everybody Needs a Life Fibre

    [For vinegardoppio @ tumblr] "kill la kill/lorax crossover where ragyou marries the onceler. everybody needs a thneed."

  • Coffee Date

    The little sparkle in her violet eyes and how her smile was just a little bit wider when she would talk about her son. It almost made him want to try being nice to Josuke. Almost. Rohan/Tomoko

  • Smile

    There was something familiar about this woman, but Rohan couldn't place his finger on it. Rohan/Tomoko aka Josuke's Smoking Hot Mom.