
chaos Leader

  • Sasha Zura: Red Dust

    It's a short time before the Lylat war. The Star Fox mercenary team is devastated, the Lylat Union Disbanded. The forces of Venom and Corneria square off in a bitter cold war just waiting to be set off. Sasha Zura, officer in the Macbeth Military, finds herself caught in a deadly crossroads: both in her military career, and in love. From the writer of of the "Star Fox: Legacy" saga

  • Star Fox: Legacy, Volume III

    The third installment of the Legacy Series. James and the team are together for the first time as a real squad, preparing for their first major job. There's friction, there's romance, and there are problems to solve. Little does anyone know that it's all about to unroll into something far bigger than anyone bargained for, as the seeds of something greater begin to take hold.

  • Isenulf

    A mysterious new force arrives from across the Great Norther Sea. Are they the greatest threat ever to be leveled at Redwallers? Are they a great opportunity? Or are they both? They will need to find out quickly if they are to address the matter, before it all goes out of hand, before good beasts die needlessly. chaos Leader presents a Redwall Tale: Isenulf

  • A Sine of Things to Come

    Meet Peter Sine: a perfectly ordinary radio and telecom maintenance worker, who has long outgrown the childish, Idyllic fantasy of the Pokémon trainer on the great journey. However, circumstance, luck, and maybe a bit of fate just may convince him that the "fantasy" isn't nearly as fargone and futile as he has long dismissed it as.