
  • More Arcobaleno?

    Rumors have been circulating around the mafia about another group of Arcobaleno, turns out there's some truth to the rumors, checker-face has struck again.

  • The Breakthrough

    Ichimaru Gin's journey was suppose to have ended when he had been struck down he was to have died not be reborn into a stuck up clan who had nothing better to do than enslave their family members. He would have preferred death over being in a child's body . . . just wait until he turned seven he'd show them exactly what happen to people when they tried to control Ichimaru Gin . . .

  • Pretentious Situations

    During the beginning of the 19th century three children are born to the Nox family, one that had previously lived the life of a hero, Another who lived the life of a neutral pureblood, and the last whose family allegiance was to the dark lord. In time they will regain their memories but for now they are brothers who want it all power, gold, and status. Full Summary Inside . . .

  • Endless Nights

    Hibari Kyouya was the Cloud Guardian of Vongola's tenth generation, he had always known that dying on the job was high on the list, but what were the chances of getting a second chance of life 400 years into the past, and being stuck with the pineapple herbivore?

  • The One Where Midorima Finds Out

    Midorima Shintaro meets his biological father, Verde. Can't get any clearer than that.