Stella Purple

  • Vicious

    There are two major power players in Hogwarts, Tom Marvolo Riddle and Vicious Neferah. They are the ones who keeps the rivalry between students at bay, but they are also the ones who split the student body population into two major fractions. But once the scale tilts, the balance between will be at lost. Tom Riddle/OC.

  • The Guru

    What if Joffrey Baratheon got a teacher? Nobody knows where she came from, though since the Queen Regent Cersei Lannister herself had hired the woman, no questions were asked. But now that fate has spoken, destiny is twisted and turned until the final destination itself in is question. Though intricated and rockbound, perhaps the outcome might remain unchanged after all?

  • Supreme

    Harry Potter & The Creatures Series crossover. Summary: Arsene goes to Hogwarts, but what will a spellcaster like her do in a world of wandcasters? Fun and chaos begins!

  • The Spellcasters

    There were two types of caster: Wandcaster and Spellcaster.

  • Code Geass: The Alliance

    The kingdom of Arabbia has always been a neutral country, until the crown princess Amethyst al Arabbia decides to break the rule and form an alliance with none other than the second prince to Britannia, Schneizel el Britannia. She seems to know everyone and their deepest, darkest secrets. Who exactly is she? Is she a heroine, or is she a villain?