
  • Harry Potter's Strange Little Friends

    Harry suddenly has strange little friends to help him on his way to greatness... Grey!(Reasonably)OP!Smart!Harry! Harry/Multi! Dumbledore, Molly, Snape Bashing! Alive Lily! OFC(Rose Potter)!

  • Harry Potter: Slave Wars

    Slightly AU, definitely though during the summer before fourth year. (Rest of Summary in description) Harry/Multi with Harry/Katie as the main pairing.

  • Harry Potter in a Twist of Prophecy

    What if Lily actually left with Harry when her husband told her to when Voldemort was attacking? Where would she go? And what would they do? Eventually a HP/GW, RW/HG or RW/OC relationship. And possibly Lily with an original character, or back with Severus, the man who showed her the magical world. Rated T, eventually, Rated M later down the road. Currently editing story.