

  • Salt in their scars

    IM1 AU : Pepper Potts never came to work for Stark Industries, and therefore, for Tony Stark. She became the CFO of VAST at 24 and from then on, a very successful businesswoman. They meet nonetheless and hell freezes over. VERY MATURE

  • Somewhere sacred and unholy

    Whouffaldi AU. Clara is at university and The Doctor is her new Medieval literature teacher. " And what makes you say that ?". She takes him in, her eyes slowly inspecting him. She observes but doesn't discriminate. Her answer is all cheek and no judgement. " Well, the boots and the magician outfit are pretty good dead giveaways."

  • Closed Doors and Open Curtains

    Clara Oswald does not do relationships. But then, neither does her neighbour. Ensues some mutual voyeurism and a lot of feelings they both never planned on.

  • Fugue State

    The war is over but Hermione still has to fight for her freedom. When her hard earned independence is threatened, Hermione has to make a life-changing decision.

  • After War comes Love

    Remione One-Shot. Post-War. It's Christmas and Sirius is hosting a fancy dress party. Also, Remus is high. Nothing goes wrong. Rated R. EWE