
  • Persistent

    'UNCONVENTIONAL LOZENGE' SOLO-WRITE SEQUEL John makes a sleepy but executive decision. Adult Sherlock / Shota John

  • Unconventional Lozenge

    CO-WRITE WITH LETALKINGMIME Sherlock has the medicine John needs. Adult Sherlock / Shota John

  • Something New

    [The Tumblr Faultline 18/The List 01] Anonymous: ach okay this is weird but it's my birthday tomorrow and I was wondering if you could do a really smutty Sherlock anal fingering fic with bonus points for no penile stimulation until whoever comes untouched? straight up anal fingering is like, my biggest kink, and it's so hard to find anything that fits it. Johnlock

  • Autumn Nights

    [The Tumblr Faultline 17] The Winter Soldier's assassin skills are parallel to almost none. His people skills, however, still need some work.

  • I Solemnly Swear I Am Up to No Good

    It's not just domination that Irene specialises in. 221B Ficlet, nonsex-Molrene

  • Ghost on the Wall

    Mrs Hudson happily has no shame. 221B Ficlet, nonsex-Johnlock.

  • Jumping to Conclusions

    [The Tumblr Faultline 16] princessmdp said: alpha!sherlock and omgea!john "Are you flirting with me?"

  • Downtime

    Even their downtime is dictated by The Work. 221B Ficlet nonsex light Dom!John / sub!Sherlock

  • Positive Reinforcement

    Perhaps John has been taking the wrong approach. 221B Ficlet, nonsex-Johnlock

  • Diamond in the Rough

    When 'the strongest Guide in England', Mycroft Holmes, is called to Afghanistan to discover the identity of a reportedly strong Guide hiding amongst the ranks of a military camp, he forces his Sentinel younger brother to accompany him. (Full summary too long, please see inside.) Sentinel!Sherlock / Guide John

  • Subtlety is for the Uncreative

    A typical Friday night doesn't go badly so much as it first goes awry, and then it goes very, very right. greaser!Sherlock / nerd!John

  • Scales and Skin

    John never thought he'd present at all. The few times he'd put thought to it, he'd never thought he'd present omega. And if he'd put any more thought into it past that, he wouldn't have imagined sharing his first heat with a mermaid. Er, merman. Potterlock, merman!Sherlock / omega!John

  • Favour

    [The Tumblr Faultline 14] letalkingmime said: How you feel about "Last time I ask you for a favor!" with Smaug and Bilbo? Smaugbo - top!human!Smaug / bottom!Bilbo

  • Welcome Home

    [The Tumblr Faultline 13] letalkingmime said: 44. puppy love and 49. coming home with John and Sherlock :3 Domlock/Puppyplay, Dom!Sherlock / sub!John

  • AFK

    [The Tumblr Faultline 10] type40consultingdetective said: johnlock, "on line relationship" fic trope prompt. Teenlock

  • Salubrious

    [10M Word of the Day 2016 Series] Day 4 (2016.01.04) - 1. adj. favorable to or promoting health; healthful: salubrious air. CU.

  • Lacustrine

    [10M Word of the Day 2016 Series] Day 16 (2016.01.16) - adjective 1. of or related to a lake.; 2. living or growing in lakes, as various organisms.; 3. formed at the bottom or along the shore of lakes, as geological strata. CU.

  • Isthmus

    [10M Word of the Day 2016 Series] Day 30 (2016.01.30) - inoun/i 1. a narrow strip of land, bordered on both sides by water, connecting two larger bodies of land.; 2. iAnatomy, Zoology./i a connecting, usually narrow, part, organ, or passage, especially when joining structures or cavities larger than itself.; CU

  • Bullesco

    [Kinktober 2017 series 16: Pegging (sorta)] A little imaginative spellwork in a storage closet. CU; Bottom Harry

  • Five Gifts and A Celebration

    John is prepared to love his newly adopted son in whatever way the boy wants or needs. He's just not prepared for Sherlock to want or need /that/ kind of love. Top Daddy John / Bottom Shota Sherlock